WWE: Once Again

I have heard many people saying they don't like that Punk isn't forced to vacate the title because he will not be able to defend the belt for an extend period of time. But why would you end the longest reign for any WWE Champion in the Modern Era by not giving the win to an Active Wrestler. Whoops did I just show another Double Standard in WWE that they aren't vacating the belt from Punk because a non Active Wrestler named Dwayne was promised the belt at the Rumble. Even though yes Dwayne was a great star during his time but he is pasted his prime a cameo here or match their fine but, a title run No Way. Because of the fact that Punk has held the title for 389 days to even push it further the fact that Punk will have held the title for 400 days a week for now should tell you something. Any promoter would tell you if someone has held your World Title for this long the thing most would do is build someone up to beat them for the title especially if the champ is a heel. But WWE's idea is having Rock win belt even though he isn't an Active Wrestler anymore, then have Rock lose to John Cena at Wrestlemania 29. If it was me you have Punk retain the belt against Rock and fight Undertake at Mania where he loses the belt to him.
Now I think everyone figured that Cena would win the title again next year, but I think most of us also thought because they, Said "Once in a Lifetime" as the tag line last year we didn't think Rock vs Cena would happen again. Then you think about what Vince values the most and that is making the most money that he can even if it dilutes or cancel out something he did or said in the past. WWE needs to stop depending on the past and BUILD for the future already. I know it is easier said than done but it has to happen soon because WWE can't depend on the past forever. That is why Ryback has come close to winning the title but hasn't because Vince promised Rock the ability to beat Punk.
That shows that Vince may not have faith in the current roster just yet to take the product into Wrestlemania season with the interest they usually have. Which is why Rock is beating Punk instead of Ryback or an Active Wrestler?
So I for one am going to thank them early so here we go:

Thank You, WWE for giving CM Punk the longest reign in Modern WWE only to have a Non Active Wrestler win the title from him instead of someone on the roster not named John. So Thank You because even though I may say that's not what we wanted you'll just say it was because we don't know what we want right. Oh yeah and the likelihood Rock will defend his belt before Wrestlemania like at House Shows or Elimination Chamber very slim because of his Movie Schedule. By the way I will be revisting a certain Double Standard from WWE that came out over the Summer and has came back up again I just want to wait in case more information comes out I want you guys to know. Because I try and keep my posts more about the facts and less about my opinion.



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