PPV Predictions

Final Battle: Doomsday
Jay Lethal vs Rhino
this will be a brawl as Rhino is a rough worker & it seems like they are trying push Lethal's new attitude. With his push I think it would make sense for Jay to win this match
(c) Adam Cole vs Matt Hardy
I am excited about the fact that I will see Matt Hardy live for the first time it's just surprising to me that it will be in ROH and not well WWE. I think ROH should give Cole a long reign as champion because he is the future and even though he has had a decent run already he deserve a long reign. With that I see Adam coming out on top
RD Evans vs Prince Nana
for one I think ROH will have a short match on PPV and even though I have seen Nana in the ring I have never seen Evans. I don't even know if he has ever fought before will that being said I can't go to far in depth into this match. Also I think unless they are planning to get rid of Nana, he'll win the match.
Jerry Lynn vs Mike Bennett w/ Maria & Bob Evans
in my book this will be the match of the night with out a doubt because Jerry is one of the most respected wrestlers in this sport. I also know that if he doesn't win the fans will be pissed because of the fact that he is retiring soon. Unless ROH is planning to push Bennett which I don't think so then it doesn't make sense for him to get the win. Lynn wins and gets the send off he deserves
American Wolves vs Bobby Fish & Kyle O' Riley
out of all the matches on the card this will absolutely be the most technically sound match on the show. I see Wolves winning this match
(c) Steve Corino & Jimmy Jacobs vs C & C Wrestling Factory vs Briscoe Brothers
since ROH values the tag team division this will be a good match adding to that with the fact there is so much talent in this match it has to be good. Part of me thinks the Briscoes will become 8 time ROH Tag Champions but then again I would rather see SCUM retain
(c) Kevin Steen vs El Generico
this will be Match of the Night and I will even go as far to say it could be Match of the Year also ROH Ladder Wars are always Awesome. Because, of feud these two have had over the years this will be Extreme and the NYC fans will not leave disappointed

I am aware I usually do it tomorrow but because I will be there live therefore I am doing it today. This has all the makings to be a great show for ROH. Also Kevin Kelly said on today's ROH episode that he will be getting a new partner tomorrow as well.


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