Mark on WWE

Since going down officially with a hamstring injury Mark Henry has stated on more then one occasion that if he can't comeback at 100% he will not come back and will retire from Wrestling. If that happens Mark would retire and leave a Mark on the WWE as he has had a great career. I can guarantee you that if you ask anyone in the business when Mark Henry debuted if they thought he would have been a Hall of Famer in WWE they would have said probably not. Mark officially debuted for WWE in 1996 but didn't really find a solid spot in WWE until 1998 when joined the Nation of Domination. While apart of the stable he formed a team with D'Lo Brown, they would stay together until late 1999 when Henry turned on Brown. The next night Jeff Jarrett who faced D'Lo the night before on PPV in a Double Title match, gave Henry the European title for the help. From that point forward Mark would play an important role in the WWE during the Attitude Era and as well in recent years. In my opinion Mark Henry's career seemed to get revitalized once he was sent to Smackdown. If Mark Henry does indeed retire he will leave behind him a great career and will be remembered by fans as not only the World's Strongest Man but also Sexual Chocolate.

Mark Henry's Career Highlight's in Wrestling:
1 time WWF European Champion
1 time ECW World Champion 
1 time WWE World Heavyweight Champion 
2011 Slammy  Award Winner for Holy S*** Moment of the Year (When he and Big Show imploded the ring at Night of Champions)

Blogger's Note:
What's Wrong with WWE find out next week right here on or on which is the other site I write for  


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