Various News

In the early afternoon on Wednesday the news surfaced that THQ, who have been the makers of the WWE video games for over a decade have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. This doesn't mean that THQ is bankrupt or being sold they just haven't been making as much as they'd hoped and now they are restructuring. It was said that THQ may have gotten a financial investment from a firm but other then not much is known. As far I have heard there is no word if THQ is going to sell some of the franchises/games they produce as cost cutting measures.

As of this writing it seems that the likelihood of Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara winning the tag titles has changed due to unforeseen circumstances from both men. First Sin Cara, he was taken out on Smackdown by The Sheild because he needs time off to nurse an injured knee. His injured has been troubling him for weeks but Mysterio on the other hand isn't injured. The reason Rey has been on & off TV over the past few weeks is because of a private family situation. Which could also be the reason why Team Rhodes Scholars won at TLC because the plan a few months ago was to have Cara & Mysterio win the tag belts then fight at Wrestlemania.

Good News for fans of Captain Charisma, Christian who has been on the shelf for most of the year with Shoulder & Neck problems will finally be making a comeback early next year. As of this writing he should be back in January just in time for the Royal Rumble.

Last thing, I am sure all of you fans have noticed the recent face turns from Alberto Del Rio & The Miz. Well I am hearing rumblings they did those turns because next year before Wrestlemania Randy Orton will once again turn heel. Which I think will benefit him because it's not that he is a bad face it's just he is better as a heel.

If I hear anymore about any of these headline I will give you guys the update.


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