WWE: Year End the Good & Bad

With another year coming to a close I think it is time for us to take a look back at some of the good & the bad from WWE in the year 2012. Like I did yesterday for TNA I will be doing the same thing right now: Hope You all Enjoy

WWE The Good:

Building up the Tag Team Division
Longer title runs
The Shield
Cena not winning a World title
CM Punk holding the title for a year
Team Hell No
Undertaker vs Triple H
Brock Lesnar returning
Rock vs John Cena
Miz turning Good

WWE the Bad:

The Divas division
Linda running for senate
AJ/Cena/Vickie story
Ryback being the new Goldberg
Brodus Clay as the Funkasaurus
3 Hour's of Raw
Lack of interesting story-lines
blatantly copying TNA
firing A.W for supporting Linda

With this being my last post of the 2012, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you guys a Happy New Year and would like to thank all of you for the support and hope you guys keep it up in 2013. Thank You!!


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