National Pro Wrestling Day

Instead of going with a post on Main Stream wrestling today I am going with a Indy approach because I will be talking about Indy Wrestling. I just saw something on a wrestling site that talked about National Pro Wrestling Day which is the 2nd of February. This basically event where about 15-20 different promotions get together for events similar to WrestleReunion. But this is just a day to celebrate the great sport we all love so much I have information below:
Here are the latest details on National Pro Wrestling Day. The show takes place February 2nd and will take place in Philly’s Derby Ink Gardens. This will be a free admission event. The event will feature talent and matches from CHIKARA, Ring of Honor, EVOLVE, Beyond Wrestling, CWF Mid Atlantic, Kaiju Big Battel, Resistance Pro, Wrestling is Fun, IWC, WSU, Wrestling is Heart, CTWE, NYWC, QWEST, Fighting Spirit Wrestling, SOR Class Wars, Wrestling is Awesome and AIW.
The plan is to have an afternoon card at 1 PM, followed by an evening event at 7 PM.
Both cards will be broadcast via iPPV. The idea behind the event is to feature as many different, unique promotions as possible to give everyone some additional awareness beyond their usual fan base and to celebrate the art form that is pro wrestling.

Should be interesting to see the matches that are made on that night and the great action as well. It will be a special night in the everlasting history of Pro-Wrestling.



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