How I would Book it Part 1......... WCW 1990

With a dismal ending to the decade of the 80's, I am looking to give WCW the kick in the pants it needs to start the 90's. Here we go starting on January 4th 1990 with WCW Power Hour & by way since I am not totally aware of all the feuds going on right now I will most likely not be following history with this so bear with. Even though that is I am suppose to be doing because the stuff they did was part of the problem. Here we go: 

Friday January 4: Tommy Rich def Ranger Ross, Doom def Dynamic Dudes (Doom 1 pins Ace), Cactus Jack pins Dragon-Master, Lex Luger over Dan Spivey, Jimmy Garvin & Michael Hayes defeat Fatu & Samu via DQ, Norman the Lunatic pins Jack Victory, (c) Steiner Brother & Sting defeat (c) Ric Flair, Sid Vicious, & Arn Anderson (Rick pins Sid) 

Saturday January 5th: Gary Hart is out with Great Muta & they challenge Ric Flair to a match later tonight. Flair is out and accepts. Stan Lane & Bobby Eaton w/ Jim Cornette def Michael Hayes & Jimmy Garvin, (Lane pins Hayes off distraction Fatu & Samu) Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan vs Doom (No Contest Double Count-Out), Brian Pillman over Rip Morgan, Steve Williams def Tom Zenk, Sid Vicious over Samoan Savage, Ric Flair defeats Great Muta w/ Gary Hart (Non-Title)

WCW Saturday Night January 5: Match is announced for Main Event tomorrow Television Title is on the line Great Muta defends against Steve Williams & Sid Vicious vs Sting. Bam Bam Bigelow over Norman the Lunatic, Samu & Fatu defeat Michael Hayes & Jimmy Garvin (Fatu pins Garvin), Arn Anderson pins Ranger Ross, Mike Rotunda pins Jack Victory, (c) Lex Luger def Eddie Gilbert (non-title), Steiner Brother vs Road Warriors (Time Limit Draw) Non Title 

Sunday January 6th: Highlights of the last week in WCW, advertisement for Tag Title match next week on Saturday Night, Road Warriors vs Steiner Brothers & Next week on Main Event the United States Champion Lex Luger will be in action. Television Title Match: Great Muta w/ Gary Hart pins Steve Williams (Gary Hart distraction), Sting pins Sid Vicious. 
Advertisment for Champion vs Champion Main Event on WCW Power Hour
Friday January 12th: Eddie Gilbert defeats Ranger Ross, Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan over Dynamic Dudes, Sid Vicious def Dan Spivey, Fatu & Samu pins Michael Hayes & Jimmy Garvin (Samu pins Garvin in a No-DQ match), Tommy Rich pins Dragon Master, Doom defeat Steiner Brothers (Doom 1 pins Scott), (c) Lex Luger pins (c) Great Muta w/ Gary Hart

Worldwide: Saturday January 13th: Stan Lane & Bobby Eaton w/ Jim Cornette defeat Samu & Fatu (Eaton pins Samu off distraction from Freebirds), Steve Williams pins Mike Rotunda, Road Warriors over Cactus Jack & Buzz Sawyer (Hawk pins Buzz), Brian Pillman pins Tommy Rich, Ric Flair & Arn Anderson over Sting & Rick Steiner (Flair pins Sting) 
Saturday Night: Television Title Match: Arn Anderson over (c) Great Muta w/ Gary Hart, Doom pins Dynamic Dudes (Doom 2 pins Douglas), Sid Vicious beats Bob Orton Jr, Kevin Sullivan pins Eddie Gilbert, Jimmy Garvin def Fatu (via use of foreign object), Jack Victory defeats Norman the Lunatic, Rip Morgan over Samoan Savage, Tag Team Title Match: Road Warriors over (c) Steiner Brothers (Post Match: Doom runs down and attacks the Steiner Brothers.) 

Sunday January 14th: Highlights of the Last Week in WCW, Sid Vicious over Rip Morgan, Advertisement for big Match on Worldwide Next Week, Ric Flair vs Sting. Eddie Gilbert pins Buzz Sawyer, United States Title Match: Lex Luger defeats Stan Lane w/ Jim Cornette & Bobby Eaton

Friday January 19th: Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane w/ Jim Cornette over Dynamic Dudes (Eaton pins Ace), Dan Spivey pins Jack Victory, Cactus Jack w/ Kevin Sullivan pin Ranger Ross, Samu & Fatu humiliate Michael Hayes & Jimmy Garvin (Samu pins Garvin), Hype for Clash of Champion on February 6th, Mike Rotunda over Steve Williams, Great Muta w/ Gary Hart pins Tommy Rich, Brian Pillman pins Arn Anderson (Non-Title), Sid Vicious defeats Rick Steiner, Lex Luger defeats Road Warrior Animal

This is where I will end this part voice your comment on what you think thus far. Any questions please ask or any ideas tell me. Re-booking a company isn't easy any help is good. Part 2 will be coming soon


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