This Day in Wrestling History

Happy Birthday 44th birthday to the so called "Vioce of the WWE" Michael Cole. Michael has been working with the WWE since 1997 when he started as a Backstage Interviewer & then became the third broadcaster on RAW with JR & Kevin Kelly. It wasn't until Cole became the head announcer on Smackdown that he would find his true calling per-say. Cole was the lead announcer on Smackdown from 1999-2008 which was when he got drafted to RAW. In 2010 for the first in his career Cole became a heel announcer on RAW. Also he feuded with the like of Daniel Bryan, Jerry Lawler, Kaval, & Jim Ross. But then in September 2012, on an episode of RAW Jerry Lawler suffered a legitimate Heart Attack on the air and Cole showed great Awareness & Professionalism. Since then he has slowly but surely turned to the side of being a face or even a tweener now. A tweener means he isn't a face or a heel.

Post Note: This maybe old news but as of Thursday Night, AAW, ACW, & STlanarchy all have been added to National Pro-Wrestling Day. Which is on February 2nd 2013

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