Interview with Greek God Demtrius Papadon

Me: After your career is over do you plan on opening a school
Papadon-probably not, but you never know. It all depends how it ends and how I am financially

Do you hope to get to the WWE during your in-ring career or is beinging on the indy scence just good enough (aside from the $)
Papadon-of course I want to go the WWE.  That should be every wrestlers dream when they step in the ring & this business. 

How did you get into the business
Papadon-I went to the LIWF school in Brooklyn NY which was ran by Bobby Lombardi.  Now I train at the NYWC Academy in Deer Park NY. I was trained by Homicide and Mikey Whipwreck.

Why did you get into the business
Papadon-because I was a fan and didn't want to be 60 years old and say should of could of would of

 how does it fell to be working for your home state company
Papadon- It feels great to work for NYWC. The NYWC, & ECWA are two of the very best companies in wrestling today

 If you had to chose between a job with CZW, TNA, ROH, or Dragon Gate which would you pick an why
Papadon- I would work for which ever company is willing to have me and give me a chance to show what I can do.


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