Shawn Michaels Heartbreak & Triumph

Though the book is from a couple of years ago it is still a great read for any fan of Shawn Michaels career in and out of the ring. During the story he starts out talking about growing up with his dad in the military and the teasing, and fighting in school from having the last name of hickenbottom. The first time he talks about wrestling is when he is in middle school and prior to a move he says he was watching the local company and got hooked. Then we jump to his first meeting with Jose Lothario and the training that followed after the training is complete he makes mention to the impact Jose has had on him. Then he moves towards his first landmark the first time he gets in the ring in mid-south and how the guys in the locker room treated him. He also says on mmore then one occasion about how protected the business was then as to how unprotected it is now. After his time in UWF was up he moved on to CSW where he would meet his first friend in the business and future partner Marty Jannetty. He didn't stay in CSW to long which was good cause the next place he would go would turn out to be their big break. I say their because in the awa Shawn would start teaming up with Marty. The AWA at this point was on its last legs as a company and Verene wasn't helping matters either. The way Shawn put it was Verene was having a hard time changing with the times which is what all the fans wanted. He talks about he and Marty's first stay in the WWE and how Vince's right hand man at the time pushed to get them here. But their actions got them fired quick but then again it allowed them to change and mature within a year they were back. This time Shawn didn't leave he goes on to speak of his problems with Bret hart, personal issues he had, friendship with hall, Nash, & hunter. Also he speaks of winning the world title, royal rumble and becoming the guy in the WWE feuding with and fighting with his frIends, the curtain call, hell in a cell, Montreal, the injuries, not wanting to be a good guy. Everything you could want him to talk about he does that took place during this time which is up until 06 when he wrote the book.
This story maybe 5 years old but it is still a great read and will make you really believe the old saying weather you love him or hate him you have to respect what he has done. After reading this their will be know reason why you should not respect him.


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