Great Matches Not Enough

I am well aware of the lack of posts I have been doing but i will try and change as it has been partly my fault that I haven't been posting. But now I am starting with this over the past couple of weeks I have seen numerous great matches from the major companies and i would like to talk about them. First Edwards vs Richards 3 which in my opinion may have had it's moments when their was doubt about reality but still it was a great match. I also think against popular belief I am happy Davey won because title changes are happening a little to often in new York it is good a change didn't happen. Another great match was Ryder vs Ziggler it kicked off the ppv with a bang. These guys are two of the top young performers in WWE today and should be getting props for their match instead of getting blamed for the bad ratings. These two have been the hottest thing on RAW for months now cause it is something new a feud over a mid card title is something we haven't seen in years from the WWE. Another thing we haven't seen in years is something from that company in Orlando and that's making a new company guy from within the company. Even you can say two company guys out of 1 team I am speaking of the split of Beer Money which has been very beneficial to both Storm and Roodes careers in different ways. In one way we are seeing someone get the push that everyone knew he deserved in Bobby Roodes. But we are also seeing a veteran show he can be more than most people thought which is awesome for TNA to have especially if they are credible. Back to the matches the one I want to speak of is Kurt Angle vs James Storm from Final Resolution which I think was the match of the night. The feud first has been great to see cause its new and it's original which I applaud TNA for which we always need to do. Also I applaud TNA for finally seeing the light that they need new stars on top and to get the old people out of the ring. Finally the third thing I applaud them for is making it a great match which also helped by the great hype and announcer build up. I remember a week or two before the show when angle & storm had the faceoff I was more into that then I was the main event which tells you something. But also in TNA their announcers do their jobs right unlike Cole in WWE. Who wouldn't know how to put over a paper bag let alone wrestler with real talent unlike TNA & ROH's announce team who talk up their talent know matter where they are heel or face or status wise in the company. Cole should be getting the blame for the ratings not the stars its not their fault cole doesn't know the right way to commentate.


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