Year end Awards

With the year coming to an end I am going to be doing Year end awards from now until Jan 31 so at that point I will total the votes and publish it on the first day of Feburary. Since I don't think people will be nonminate people I will pick people from appropriate promotions throughout the world. The awards that I will be giving out are all the same awards that the Pro Wrestling Illustraded give out every year. And some others will be original awards that I thought of myself also worse comes to worse I will push back the original date. Some of the awards will be Wrestler, Tag team, Match, Stable, Manager, & Promtion of the year. This is the special time of year cause all of the other wrestling sites are doing it so I figure even though I may technically not be a real site I am still a wrestling one. All the polls will be up for at least a few days allowing appeal time for voting and knowing when voting ends for all the awards which I will try to end it by Feburary 1 but I don't know a this point when it will end.

Tag Team
Most Memorable Moment Of the last 10 Years
OMG Moment Of Year
Feud of the year
Most deserving champion


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