Post PPV Thoughts

Last night TNA had their last ppv of the year and it was as bad as the last couple some matches we better then others & some were worse. Out of the 8 matches I got 2 matches wrong the first one was Daniels vs RVD & the other was Angle vs Storm. Out of all the matches I just want to discuss 3 first one is the X-Division title match Kash vs Aries it was real good match because they gave it the time it deserved. No matter who is in the match in order to get the full effect of just how good some the stars are you got to give them the time to show it. Great Job TNA with this action its a start now they just need to keep it going in the right direction. Next was Angle vs Storm this match next to the main event was the longest match & that one thing that TNA knows how to do and thats when they find a guy who has it they push him right not like WWE. Pushing him right means giving him credible wins against the top guys on the roster which is exactlly what Storm got last night. I applaud TNA for that as well what i am mad about though is how their main event ended if they knew anything about how to get a heel more heat from the fans you make him cheat especially in this match. Make him do it to get another point make him get caught and get down a point to make the fans got crazy about something going in the faces favor. Instead they make a draw happen which doesnt make sense cause they already have the world title match decided for their next ppv with Hardy's win unless they make Styles go into it to and make a triple threat. This would happen because Styles didnt lose the match and can make a case because of that to get another match.

Thats TNA for you gives the good & the bad when the good is what you really only want


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