PPV Predictions


(c)Cody Rhodes vs Booker, T 
this will be a good match cause its suppose to be the match that puts cody over the top in that case and the fact that i know Booker isnt coming back full time to wrestling i am going to go with Rhodes winning the match tonight
Wade Barrett vs Randy Orton
another good match and possibly the ending of the feud as well so since it doesnt invovled orton getting pinned i am going with Barrett getting the win over orton tonight
(c)Dolph Ziggler vs Zack Ryder
this has been a great feud and it has elevated both guys to higher staus then they once had which i love seeing cause both these guys are much better then they were first thought to be. I am a bro and i would love to see Zack get the belt tonight but i dont think he will i just have this funny feeling that they will be having another match at the Rumble and Zack will win then
Kevin Nash vs Triple H
out of all the matches tonight i think this has all the makings of being the worst match on the card because who in their right mind think that Nash can climb a ladder in anyway i mean have you seen him he aint what he once was. With that being said i going with Hunter winning this match tonight hopefully
(c)Mark Henry vs Big Show
i dont know why but i just dont see show winning the title i feel like if he was it would have happended already but they havent. So i think Henry will win tonight but show will knock him out and bryan will cash in money in the bank and win the gold
(c)CM Punk vs The Miz vs Alberto Del Rio
this should be a good match because of the hype and the fact its the world title it should be the top match of the show. I would like to see Punk win because he said he would make the belt interesting again but its been just like any other reign so i am going with Miz for the win

I have heard rumors of a tag team title match tonight this is what it would be:
Epico & Primo vs Air Boom
if this match happens which it might i think that Primo & Epico would win because of the lack of competiting air boom has done and the change of staus for the champs

Next edition of the PPV Predictions will be this Friday for Final Battle


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