Going Going Hurt

Just reported by Wzronline former WWE champion Randy Orton is injured they didn't disclose the injury at this point but the word going around is Orton could miss up to 6 months of action. This is a blessing as it is time for WWE to get faith in new faces cause Orton & Cena will not be here forever. Its about time they start getting new faces in the world title picture to stay not just for a specific time period. A couple of people who deserve this chance are Swagger, Bryan, Ziggler, Christian, Barrett, & others who aren't getting the chance they deserve. Now they just have to make sure they get completely behinde Orton's replacement from either shoe it shouldn't matter cause this could either go great or be a flop and I hope that it works cause then maybe they will give cena time off if they can get someone built up big enough. I doubt they will cause there is a reason why he is on smackdown and cena isn't just saying. Which that is good to have cause for the most part there is always this separation between the company guys and the other main eventers which stupid. Smackdown has been getting better then raw over the past couple of weeks not marches or ratings just overall it's been better and it is still treated a little better then nxt or superstars which is very annoying. Hopefully with this injury wwe will realize this is why you leave top guys on both shows not just one of them in case this happens oh well they got to learn sometime


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