WWE: Wrong Idea

With most video games companies chose a cover that make people want to buy it and usually it something to do with the game. But in wrestling it's different usually you want your top guys on the cover but we have seen Cena, Orton, Punk, Jericho, Lesnar, Rock, etc. on covers already. Which could make one think they would go a completely different way this year like pointing towards the  future but they didn't do that. Last night on Raw WWE showed the public the cover of WWE 2k14 and it had The Rock on the cover a superstar not even with the company anymore. The Rock for those who don't know left after WrestleMania 29 due to a disagreement with creative and an injury. Rock has also been on a cover or two already so why not have new faces on the cover.

This should have been a new beginning for WWE as for the first time this decade a WWE video game will be produced by THQ this one will be produced by Take 2 or 2K Sports. I think this would have been the perfect opportunity for WWE to market it as the new era for the company. Having the likes of Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, The Shield, Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, etc. on the cover instead of Dwayne. I think they just did that to appeal to the more people because The Rock is a recognizable face. But I hope they realize just because The Rock is on the cover doesn't mean non/casual WWE fans will buy the game just because of The Rock.

I would have put D-Bryan, Sheamus, & Ziggler on the cover and wrote the Future is Now below them or I would have done one with The Shield on the cover and it say Believe in The Shield. But they chose Rocky.


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