McMahon A Mania

I am aware I normally don't post this late but I think my viewers deserve a post because I have been missing them more frequent then I would like. So as reported earlier today not only will the McMahon family feud continue but it was welcomed by the USA network to try and help the ratings. Usually when Vince comes to shows it does help the ratings but if he is their every week will it still help the ratings? Now it also seems as though this could lead to Hunter taking over power from Vince and slowly starting the move towards the New Era in WWE.

I think as long as this doesn't become the focal point of the broadcast it's ok because it is a feud with a Part-Time wrestler/executive & the Owner of the company. That's a good feud to center the show around if they weren't the wrestlers it would be but because they are I don't think it should be. This feud showed not be portrayed as more important then the WWE Title feud or World Title feud but it showed still be shown as important. It all depends on the end point of the feud if it ends where it might then it makes sense why they would push so much importance on it but if not then there is no need.
Also Vince, Steph & Hunter being on RAW will not end anytime soon as this feud is rumored to continue to Summerslam at least.

I would like to see where this feud goes because it could mean the end of an era again!!!!


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