How I would Book it Part 5......... TNA 2010

Thursday July 1st Impact: 2 Weeks till Victory Road
Kenny Omega def. Shark Boy, Jason Blade, & Rob Eckos (Omega pins Boy), Hype for Victory Road July 11th, Madison Rayne comes out with Lacey & Velvet. Madison said she was told she had to defend her Knockouts title tonight or forfeit it by Jeff Jarrett and she goes on to say her and the Beautiful People all think it is very unfair. But then Taylor Wilde walks out and tells Madison that she is a disgrace to the division for not defending that title and expecting to be given respect. She continues to say maybe if you were a fighting champion people would respect you I know if I was the champion I would be afraid to defend it. Madison tells Taylor well you aren't so nobody cares what you would do with my belt. Taylor adds you should because I am the person who is fighting you tonight for you belt. Magnus def. Rhino, Angelina Love & ODB def. Velvet Sky & Lacey Von Erich (Post Match: Sky & Lacey attack Love & ODB. Sky gives Angelina a couple extra kicks for good measure. Jeremy Buck w/ Max def. Homicide w. Hernandez, Scorpio Sky def. Mark Haskins, Shima Ion & Kenny King (Sky pins King), Announcers explain the tournament by telling the fans the rules: 2 opening round matches, then it will go down to a Triple Threat, then at Victory Road it will be two singles matches both the finals and semi finals will happen on the ppv, Abyss vs Anderson announced for Victory Road, Kazarian def. Brian Kendrick, Scott Steiner comes out with Chelsea and is taunting Desmond. He tells Desmond that he will not be getting into the Top 10 because he has unfinished business with the Big Bad Booty Daddy. Scott adds until you face me Wolfe one on one for that belt with your b*** banned from ringside you will not be getting her back. Desmond runs to the ring to try and save Chelsea but Scott grabs her and gets out of the ring. Taylor Wilde def. (c) Madison Rayne to win the Knockouts Title, video package of what has happened between Joe & Sting, Kurt Angle calls out any member of Team Entertainment to a fight: Bobby Lashley answers the challenge, Kurt Angle vs Bobby Lashley ends in a No-Contest when Moore & RVD run out to attack Angle but then Hardy & Abyss run in to make the save and it’s a brawl to end Impact. Anderson is watching from the stage.
July 8th Impact: 3 days before Victory Road
Scorpio Sky def. Jason Blade & Mark Haskins (Sky pins Blade), Video is shown highlighting the feud between Team 3D and Generation Me that was taking a back seat going into Slammiversary because of the 4 way tag match. Eric Young def. Jesse Neal, Mr. Anderson def. Pope D’ Angelo Dinero, Tomko & Sean Morley def. Team 3D (Morley pins Bubba when Gen Me distracts Team 3D) Post Match: Team 3D are visibly pissed off. Bubba grabs a mic and he says Generation Me are nothing but two disrespectful little punks who need to be taught a lesson. Abyss vs Samoa Joe is announced as the Main Event, Rosita def. Madison Rayne via DQ (Madison lost it and kept saying I want back my title), Amazing Red def. Scott Steiner w/ Chelsea (Desmond Wolfe comes down and gets Chelsea back which distracts Steiner long enough for Red to win), #9 AJ Styles def. (c) #8 Bobby Roode (Styles moves up one in the TNA Top 10), Rob Eckos over Kenny Omega & Shima Ion (Eckos pins Omega), Kurt Angle calls out Jeff Hardy, Jeff comes out and Angle tells him he is really tired of RVD interrupting his matches, and he is tired of seeing that spineless worm Shannon Moore as well. He asks Hardy if he would be his partner vs Moore & RVD at Victory Road. Hardy agrees and tells him let’s run them out of our company. Abyss def. Samoa Joe (Post Match: The video with the scorpion shows up again but this time Sting lowers from above and offers Joe a match at Victory Road.

Saturday July 10th Xplosion:
Sean Morley & Tomko def. Alex Williams & Sammy Davidson, Amazing Red def. Elijah Adams, Eric Young over Jeff Carter, Doug Williams def. James Young, Matt Morgan def. #5 Daniels (Morgan get Daniels spot in the TNA top 10)
 Sunday July 11th Victory Road:
Announcers go over all the matches scheduled for tonight, #1 Contender X-Division Title Tournament Semi Final: Scorpio Sky def. Mark Haskins, (c) Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea vs Scott Steiner ends in a Double DQ (Post Match: Jeff Jarrett comes on stage and tells these guys that if they can’t stay within the rules then why not have a NO DQ match, and because I don’t trust either one of you I am making a special ref…. Rhino. This match will happen next Thursday on Impact. Team 3D def. Generation Me (Bubba pins Jeremy) #1 Contender X-Division Title Tournament Semi Final: Shima Ion over Rob Eckos, Shannon Moore & RVD def. Kurt Angle & Jeff Hardy (Moore uses a foreign object to knock out Hardy), #6 “The Freak” Rob Terry def. Bobby Lashley, Grudge Match: Sting def. Samoa Joe, Shima Ion def. Scorpio Sky to become #1 Contender to the X-Division Title, TNA World Title Match: (c) Mr. Anderson def. Abyss
Thursday July 15th Impact:
Highlights of Victory Road, Kid Kash def. Eric Young, AJ Styles is being interviewed about his ascent to the top of the TNA Top 10. AJ tells JB when I lost the World Title to Anderson, I felt like I disappointed everyone in TNA but most of all I disappointed myself. For 8 years I have helped build TNA and myself, Beer Money, Joe, Kaz, Jerry Lynn, Daniels, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, EY, Jarrett we didn’t build this company for people from up north to come and tear it down. That’s why I am working hard to climb the top 10 step by step until I get my World Title back. (c) Kazarian vs Shima Ion (Draw) Kaz retains X-Division Title, Announcers hype Steiner vs Wolfe w/ Rhino Special ref, Hernandez def. Devon & Chris Sabin, (c) Beer Money def. Sean Morley & Tomko (Roode pins Tomko), Main Event Announced: Rob Terry, Angle & Hardy vs Moore, Anderson, & RVD, #7 Samoa Joe def. #8 AJ Styles (Post Match: Joe attacks AJ, he grabs a mic and says AJ this has never been your company because if it was it would have been out of business a long time ago. Those people like Dixie & Jeff don’t think they can rest the company on your shoulders without help from the past or maybe help from up north. You don’t deserve the World Title Shot and as long as I have anything to say about you will never get another. (c) Taylor Wilde def. Cheerleader Mellissa (Post Match: Madison comes out and demands her rematch against Taylor for next week. Taylor accepts. Television Title Match: (c) Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea def. Scott Steiner to retain the TV Title w/ Rhino as Special Ref (Post Match: Steiner attacks Rhino), Kurt Angle, Rob Terry, & Jeff Hardy def. RVD, Shannon Moore & Mr. Anderson (Hardy pins Anderson)
Thursday July 22nd Impact:
Highlights of the 6 man tag from last week, Scott Steiner is being interviewed and he says Rhino it’s simple I attacked you last week because I blame you for my loss. Everyone knows you don’t like me and that’s why you let Desmond win the match and not me. Because your jealous of me and now we have a problem. , Jeff Hardy def. Pope D’ Angelo Dinero, Bobby Lashley def. Isaiah Cash, Generation Me is being interviewed about their lose to Team 3D at the ppv. Gen Me ask JB did he say loss, Jeremy say let’s get one thing straight there is no way Team 3D could even touch us on their best day because they old, out of shape, stale, has bens. We felt bad for them so we gave them the fluke win. Max takes the mic and tells JB to prove it was a fluke we challenge Team 3D to their specialty match but when we win next week we get to pick the ppv match. Jeremy adds Team 3D v Generation Me in a Tables Match has a good ring to it. But you know what has an even better ring to it….. Generation Me beats Team 3D in a Tables Match which will happen. Amazing Red & Kazarian def. Shima Ion & Kid Kash (Red pins Kash), Alex Shelley def. Homicide w/ Hernandez (Post Match: Homicide grabs a mic and he says “ever since we lost the tag belts we have been struggling to get back on the winning side but realized it’s because we have gotten soft Hernandez & Homicide attack Shelley), TNA Top 10 Match is announced for Main Event to determine #1 Contender: Kurt Angle vs Abyss vs RVD vs Rob Terry vs Daniels vs Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles in a 8 Man Elimination Match, Sting def. Jay Lethal (Post Match: Matt Morgan walks out and tells Sting he will do something Joe couldn’t and that’s end Sting’s career. Sting says he isn’t afraid anywhere anytime). (c) Taylor Wilde def. Madison Rayne via DQ when Velvet & Lacey run in but then Angelina & Tara run out to make the save, Announcers are told next week Jeff Jarrett will have a special announcement regarding the Knockouts Title, Rhino def. Shannon Moore, Mr. Anderson is being interviewed about being pinned by Jeff Hardy last week. He tells JB that everyone is reading too much into it in fact he challenges Jeff Hardy a match next week non-title and will prove he can beat him, Video package highlighting the history between Wolfe & Steiner, 8 Man Elimination Match to determine #1 Contender: Rob Terry def. Daniels, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Abyss, AJ Styles, & RVD (Terry eliminates Joe last)
Thursday July 29th Impact:
Hype for all the big matches tonight & weather Team 3D accepts Gen Me’s challenge for a Table Match or not. (c) Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea def. Magnus, Mr. Anderson comes out and tells the people he is sick of the dead weight on his side so as of right now Shannon Moore is out of the group and if either Lashley or RVD lose tonight they are out to. Hernandez & Homicide def. Motor City Machine Guns (Hernandez pins Sabin), Shima Ion def. Kid Kash, Double Main Event Tonight: Anderson vs Hardy & Terry vs Abyss, Team 3D being interviewed and Ray say they will keep it short Generation Me must be stupid challenging me and my brother to a Table Match means death. We accept the tables match for Hard Justice; Devon adds Oh My Brother Testify!!!!!!! Petey Williams def. Amazing Red, Jarrett shows up on the big screen and announces that at Hard Justice there will be a 3 way 9 knockout tag match where every knockout will participate in. There will be 3 teams with 3 knockouts on each team and the winner will become #1 contender to the knockouts title. Generation Me def. RVD & Shannon Moore (Max pins RVD) Post Match: Max asks Jeremy if they are afraid that Team 3D accepted their challenge & Jeremy says heck no we are excited to beat Team 3D at their own game, Rob Terry def. Abyss, Bobby Lashley def. Scott Steiner (Post Match: Rhino walks out and tells Scott he is an idiot for thinking he likes Desmond more than him because Desmond took his belt. He didn’t care who won because all I really want is my belt back. It doesn’t matter if I have to go through you or Desmond to do it Steiner slaps him and then the fight is on. They brawl until security break s them up, highlights of encounter between Sting & Morgan from last week, (c) Mr. Anderson def. Jeff Hardy (Anderson & Terry faceoff)
August 5th: Hard Justice is 3 days away 
Rhino vs Scott Steiner is announced for Hard Justice, Mr. Anderson walks out grabs a mic and says “I am going to keep this short. Last week I said if either RVD or Lashley lose they are out of Team Entertainment. Well RVD lost so see you later has-been. This is the group of the future because I will be World Champion for a very long time. Just as Anderson says that Rob Terry walks out and doesn’t say a word but he does make the motion that he will break Anderson and then he points to the Hard Justice poster. Shima Ion def. (c) Kazarian non-title, Rosita def. Madison Rayne (Post Match: Madison is saying this isn’t fair I want my title back right now. Jeff comes out and tells Madison if she wants then she better win the 9 knockout tag match on Sunday. #4 Abyss def. #7 Samoa Joe, Chris Sabin def. Homicide via DQ (Post Match: Fight continues between Homicide and Sabin, Shelley & Hernandez join in the fight as well), #10 James Storm def. Max Buck & Brother Devon (Storm pins Max after Devon knocks Max out), Rob Terry vs Kurt Angle Main Event, Backstage: Gen Me are show and they are pissed they tell the fans they better have seen all they wanted to of Team 3D because after Hard Justice they will not be around anymore. Magnus def. Pope D’ Angelo Dinero, Announcers are told there will be two matches on Xplosion which give one team and one single superstar shots at the Tag Team & TV Title respectively, Kazarian vs Shima Ion is announced, Jeff Hardy def. Daniels (Post Match: Daniels grabs and calls out Jeff Hardy saying he is just as bad as Team Entertainment. Shannon Moore was right to turn on you because we were doing fine without you here, and you just think because of where you came from you deserve to have everything handed to you here well you don’t deserve anything because you haven’t earned it. Jeff you haven’t earned anything here your just here because of where you came from and what they made you not because of who you are. Daniels continues to say “All you are is a has-been with a drug problem” Jeff storms the ring but Daniels jumps out of dodge. #8 AJ Styles def. Matt Morgan (Sting walks out during the match which distracts Morgan for a bit), Hamada vs Tara (after a whole lot of run-ins the match becomes a huge brawl), Rob Terry def. Kurt Angle (Post Match: Rob has a face-off with Mr. Anderson and makes it known he wants Anderson’s title)
Saturday August 7th Xplosion:
Announcers are told Angle open challenge match is announced for PPV, Magnus def. West Addison, Samoa Joe puts out a challenge to AJ Styles for Sunday and if Joe wins he wants AJ off of the Top 10, TNA TV Title #1 Contender Match: RVD def. Jesse Neal, Shannon Moore def. Richard Grayson, MCMG vs LAX announced for Sunday, as is Jeff Hardy vs Daniels. TNA Tag Team Title #1 contender match: Pope D’ Angelo Dinero & Jay Lethal def. Sean Morley & Tomko (Pope pins Tomko)


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