How I would book it Part 3........ TNA 2010

Thursday Aril 1st Impact:

Highlights of the ending of Impact from last week, Pope D’ Angelo Dinero def. Kazarian (Post Match: Sean Morley runs in and attacks the Pope, then hits the Money Shot before leaving), (c) Petey Williams def. Doug Williams w/ Magnus to retain the X-Division Title, Jay Lethal is being interviewed and he states that he is sick of this and isn’t enjoying who he has become so he will be going back to doing what he enjoyed starting next week Oh Yeah!!!!!!! Chris Sabin w/ Alex Shelley def. Jeremy Buck w/ Max Buck, Jesse Neal over Scott Steiner (Steiner tried to use the lead pipe on Jess but Rhino ran down and took it away), Hernandez w/ Homicide def. Tomko (Post Match: LAX extends a challenge to any team in the Pro-Wrestling business that thinks they can take on the Latin American Exchange to come to TNA and fight for our belts), Sting vs Samoa Joe is announced for Lockdown, (c) Rhino def. James Storm (Post Match: Desmond Wolfe tells Rhino he wants another shot because he knows he can beat him. Rhino tells him no and says Wolfe doesn’t deserve a shot and that if he wants a shot he has to earn it. Wolfe disagrees and then Steiner jumps the rail and attacks Rhino. Wolfe runs to the ring to join the attack but then Jess Neal runs down to make the save), Highlights of Shannon Moore being Unmasked last week, Jeff Hardy is being interviewed: he says “I finally figured out why Shannon was acting different, I finally understand why a man who has been my friend for so long wasn’t acting like a man. It’s because he found new friends well Shannon you joined the wrong side because in this company we never go down without a fight.” Hype for Lockdown and it is announced that it will be in St. Louis, MO, Robert Roode vs Kurt Angle (Time Limit Draw), AJ Styles walk out and he is obviously still injured but says he is the leader of this company because he has the title and if it means he has to fight hurt then so be it but right now he is challenging any of those cowards who wear the masks to come here and fight him. Masked Man 2 def. AJ Styles (He exploited AJ’s injuries) Post Match: He unmasked to revel himself as Mr. Anderson (Ken Kennedy)
Thursday April 8th Impact: 2 Weeks till Lockdown

Highlights of Impact last week, (c) Petey Williams def. Okada (non-title), Announcers hype Rhino & Jesse Neal vs Desmond Wolfe & Scott Steiner, Shannon Moore w/ Mr. Anderson def. Homicide (Post Match: Shannon gets on the mic and says so Jeff you think you finally got it, you think you know why I turned on you. Well you don’t, Jeff you are completely clueless because I turned on you because you were treated better than me even since we came back. These idiots didn’t care that I came back with you it’s just been all about Jeff Hardy. I turned you to finally get these idiots talking and now I got something to get these people talking; listen up “Your hero Jeff Hardy the man who deserve none of your praise or admiration is a drug addict. Which is why his old boss let him go but TNA doesn’t care they are that desperate that they would have a drug addict wrestle for their company just because of who he is. Right after he says that Jeff Hardy runs out with a chair and chase them off. Jeff challenges Shannon to a cage match at Lockdown. Desmond Wolfe & Scott Steiner def. Jesse Neal & Rhino (Steiner pins Jesse), “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal def. Jim Neidhart, Jeremy Buck w/ Max Buck def. Chris Sabin w/ Alex Shelley, Video Package of what happened between Joe & Sting, Sean Morley def. Pope D’ Angelo Dinero, Angelina Love def. Lacey Von Erich w/ Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne (Post Match: the Beautiful People attack Love after the match but then Taylor Wilde & Tara run out to make the save for Love), Kurt Angle def. Robert Roode w/ James Storm, AJ Styles comes out and says he is sick of this those guys that call themselves “Entertainment” interrupting our show. I helped this company get on its feet and I will not lie down and let them take this company without a fight. I am putting down the challenge Team TNA vs Team Entertainment at Lockdown in Lethal Lockdown. If someone pins me I will give them a title shot.
Thursday April 15th Impact: 3 days till Lockdown

Announcers hype Lockdown & Entertainment invading TNA, Kazarian def. Pope D’ Angelo Dinero, Jeff Jarrett says that starting after Lockdown, TNA will begin using TNA Top 10 as the way to decide who the #1 Contender for the World Title. Kevin Nash def. West Williams (Post Match: Eric Young runs out and goes after Nash then grabs a mic and tells Kevin he has not changed he just respects the fans now unlike he did maybe Nash should try it.), Scott Steiner def. Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea, Tanaka def. “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal, Announcers say that Abyss, Angle, & Hardy have joined team TNA with AJ and that later tonight we will get the answer from the Entertainment group for a match at Lockdown on Sunday, Contract Signing: Joe vs Sting, both men sign the contract & then Joe tells Sting that he will gets Sting’s respect when he beats him on Sunday. Sting says if anyone needs to learn what respect is it’s you and I will teach a lesson in respect this Sunday. Amazing Red & Petey Williams def. Motor City Machine Guns & Generation Me (Red pins Shelley) Post Match: The fight continues between Generation Me & MCMG), Ultimo Guerrero & Silver King from AAA Mexico accepted LAX’s challenge for a match at Lockdown, Jeff Jarrett comes out to declare that there will not be a World Title match at Lockdown but if Team Entertainment wins whoever gets the pin will challenge AJ at Sacrifice. Also the final member of Team TNA is… Jeff is interrupted by Daniels. Daniels tells Jeff he means no disrespect but how could you not defend the most important title in this company at a ppv. You should then vacate the title from AJ and give it to me. Jeff asks Daniels do you care about anyone but yourself. He says yes but I deserve a shot at the World Title or even I deserve to be given the title. Well how about this  Jeff says “If you beat the newest signing for TNA then I will think about it” Daniels accepts and asks who is it, just as he says that the letters RVD show up on screen. Rob Van Dam def. Daniels, Mr. Anderson & Shannon Moore come up on screen and congratulate RVD on the win and welcome him to TNA but he should leave. Then they explain they took a camera from the arena. Anderson accepts the challenge for Lockdown for his Team. Then adds well have a surprise for you but Jeff changes it up and says we have a surprise now you’re looking at the final member of team TNA…. RVD
Saturday April 17th Xplosion:

Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea def. Anderson Balk, Rob Terry decimates Allen Figueroa, Beer Money def. Brian & William Anderson (Storm pins Anderson), Generation Me vs MCMG announced for Sunday, Brother Devon def. Doug Williams, Beautiful People vs Love, Wilde, & Tara in a non Steel Cage 6 Knockout Tag Match, Magnus def. Jesse Neal
Sunday April 18th Lockdown: St. Louis, MS (Every match is a Cage except the ones with non before them)

An X-cape Match to determine #1 Contender for X-Division Title: Kazarian def. Brian Kendrick, Jesse Neal, Magnus, & Consequences Creed (Kaz escapes), (Non) Pope D’ Angelo Dinero def. Sean Morley, Backstage: Team Meeting with Team TNA strategizing about Lethal Lockdown tonight, Steel Cage: Kevin Nash def. Eric Young, Announcers hype Lethal Lockdown and Joe vs Sting, 6 Knockout Tag Match: Beautiful People def. Angelina Love, Tara, & Taylor Wilde (Rayne pins Wilde), Steel Cage Match: Generation Me def. Motor City Machine Guns (Post Match: they did a double team Top rope assisted DDT on Sabin and he’s injured), Outside: Team Entertainment is seen outside the Arena Strategizing as well and from what we hear they have the man advantage to start from coin toss earlier in the day, (c) LAX def. Ultimo Guerrero & Silver King to retain the Tag Team titles, Cage Match: (c) Rhino def. Scott Steiner to retain Television Title (Post Match: Desmond Wolfe runs in to attack Rhino but Jesse Neal stops him and then starts climbing the cage to stop Steiner who jumped Rhino while he was looking at Wolfe. Jesse jumps from the top of the cage taking out both Rhino & Scotty. Security finally finds their way into the ring to break this brawl up), Steel Cage Match: Sting def. Samoa Joe, Backstage: Most of the TNA roster are staring at the screens ready for the Main Event and are supporting Team TNA. Main Event Lethal Lockdown: Team TNA vs Team Entertainment (Team Entertainment wins when RVD turns on AJ and revels himself to be the last member of Team Entertainment turning on TNA) Anderson pins Styles
Thursday April 25th Impact:

Alex Shelley over Jeremy Buck w/ Max Buck (Post Match: Gen Me attack Shelley and try and injure him like they did to Sabin but Amazing Red & Petey Williams run in to make the save), highlights of Lockdown from Sunday, announcers state that Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, & Abyss will face Anderson, RVD & Moore tonight, Jesse Neal def. Scott Steiner (Post Match: Steiner attacks Jesse and then goes outside for his pipe but then is Gored by Rhino from out of nowhere), Taylor Wilde def. Velvet Sky w/ Madison Rayne & Lacey via DQ (Post Match: Angelina & Tara run in to save Taylor and then Angelina puts out the challenge for her ex-best friend Velvet for next week on Impact, Rob Terry def. Doug Williams, Team 3D Challenge: Team 3D def. Davey Andrews & Matt Turner, James Storm w/ Bobby Roode def. Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett walks down and he asks the fans if they remember that he said after Lockdown something called the TNA top 10 will happen and it will be used as a way to decide the #1 contender for the World Title. Well next week every number except #2 because Ken Anderson won that when pinned AJ at Lockdown. So number 3-10 will be decided in a 15 man Battle Royal where the first 8 guys eliminated will not get on the list. Also when the champion loses the title he gets kicked off the list and has to work his way back on aka going to the back of the line. But all champions are entitled to a rematch clause. Thank you and I hope you enjoy next week’s Battle Royal. Video for Sacrifice on May 16th, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, & Abyss def. Mr. Anderson, Shannon Moore, & RVD (Abyss pins Moore)
Thursday April 29th Impact:

Announcers finally have an update on Chris Sabin: Chris got a concussion and will miss a few months because of this injury. (c) Petey Williams def. Kazarian to retain the X-Division Title, Alex Shelley & Amazing Red vs Generation Me announced for next week, “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal def. Disco Inferno, Kevin Nash is being interviewed about the match he had against EY at Lockdown he says “Eric you proved that not only a joke but you’re an embarrassment to this company and I should have even wasted my time with you.” Moving on later tonight I will be in the TNA top 10 and finally be World Champion to give this company some honor, Samoa Joe def. Sean Morley (Post Match: Joe grabs a mic, he tells Sting “Lockdown was you getting lucky old man I am sick of being overshadowed by has-beens its time that I end your career Sting. I challenge you to a match at Sacrifice a Last Man Standing Match be a man Sting and accept the match.” Velvet Sky vs Angelina Love (Draw), Backstage: Steiner & Wolfe are talking about their match later against Rhino & Jesse Neal and they can’t agree on who should pin Rhino when they win. Video airs of Team Entertainment still with the reposed camera talking about how last week was a fluke and that after they see what they have planned for Sacrifice everyone will forget what happened last week. Rhino & Jesse Neal def. Scott Steiner & Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea (Rhino pins Steiner after Wolfe walked out), TNA Top 10 Battle Royal: (Not on the list: Kevin Nash, Homicide, Hernandez, RVD and Shannon Moore) #10: James Storm, #9: Robert Roode, #8: Sting, #7: Matt Morgan, #6: Jeff Hardy, #5: Abyss, #4: Daniels, #3: Kurt Angle. (Mr. Anderson & Masked Man where watching this match)
Thursday May 6th Impact:

Highlights of Impact from last week, Alex Shelley & Amazing Red def. Generation Me (Red pins Max), Sting comes out and he is pissed he tells Joe if you wanted my attention you got it. You cost me a high rank in the TNA top 10 by distracting me last week but for my entire career I have never made excuses and I sure as hell am not going to start now. Joe if you want a Last Man Standing Match you got. Joe comes on the stage then Sting & Joe faceoff, Backstage: Steiner barges into Wolfe’s locker room and attacks him because Wolfe walked out him last week. Before Steiner leaves he says nobody walks out on me. Rob Terry def. Magnus & Doug Williams, #4 Abyss def. Masked Man 1 (Post Match he tries to unmask him but Abyss is stopped by RVD & Shannon Moore. But then Jeff hits the ring and finally challenges Shannon Moore to a match but not just any match a NO-DQ Match next week. Moore accepts. Rosita def. Hamada, Scott Steiner def. Pope D’ Angelo Dinero via DQ when Desmond Wolfe interfered and attacked Steiner with Steiner lead pipe knocking out Scotty. Brian Kendrick def. Jesse Neal, Announcers speculate the whereabouts of AJ Styles who hasn’t been seen or heard from since his loss at Lockdown, Eric Young def. Suicide (Post Match: Eric grabs a mic he is visibly pissed “So I hear Kevin Nash likes talking smack about me well Kevin, Don’t sing it bring it and if you don’t think I deserve to be in this company then how about at Sacrifice I fight you and if I lose I’ll leave TNA.” Announcers talk about EY putting up his contract against Nash at Sacrifice, Mr. Anderson def. (c) Rhino (non-title), Anderson grabs a mic and starts by saying you’re welcome to the fans. He then says I am saying you’re welcome because someone has to take credit for running that yellow belly, big time wannabe, hick out of TNA and I am the one who’s taking the credit. AJ you should just stay away because if you show up for Sacrifice I will just embarrass you again. Jeff Jarrett walks out and tells Anderson that first he will be facing Kurt Angle next week in that ring and number AJ Styles will be here next week to address you and Sacrifice match.



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