This Day in Wrestling History

This day 6 years ago the wrestling world was stunned to find out and was forced to come to terms with the unfortunate and scary passing of Chris Benoit & former Manager Nancy "Women" Benoit & Daniel, Chris's son. But I will talk about what happened this day I will talk Chris's career in pro-wrestling. Chris loved the business and gave all he had every single time he was in the ring to make sure the fans got their moneys worth.

Chris is many ways was the backbone for every company he was a part of from ECW to NJPW to WCW to WWE because every time he went out you knew you would get his best. Which is exactly why WCW suffered such a big lose when he left in January 2000 with Eddie, Dean, & Perry to join WWE. Then while in WWE he went on to be a Triple Crown Champion which can be seen below. It's very unfortunate and sad that such a well liked & gifted talent career was tarnished like this; but most fans try and remember Chris for who he was before today and forget what happened today.

Below is Chris's title history:

1 time WWE World Champion
1 time WWE Tag Team Champion
3 times WWE United States Champion
4 time WWE Intercontinental Champion
3 times WWE World Tag Team Champion
2004 Royal Rumble Winner
1 time ECW Tag Team Champion
2 time WCW US Champion
1 time WCW World Champion
3 time WCW World TV Champion

Chris has had countless great matches with the likes of Jericho, Edge, Hunter, Michaels, Guerrero, Sullivan, etc. Below are two moments I think all of us would rather remember on this day to now there was more to Chris. Chris Benoit vs HBK vs HHH (WM 20) Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit (Ultimate Submission) Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho


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