How I Would Book it Part 7......... TNA 2010

Thursday September 16th Impact: 3 days before No Surrender
X-Division Battle Royal to determine #1 Contender: Alex Shelley def. Jay Lethal, Shima Ion, Kid Kash, Brian Kendrick, (Alex eliminates Shima last), Chris Sabin over The Ripper, Rosita def. Lacey Von Erich (Post Match: Madison Rayne attacks Rosita laying her out in the middle of the ring. But then Sarita & Taylor Wilde run in to make the save), Angle Open Challenge: Kurt Angle def. James Storm, Bobby Lashley & Mr. Anderson def. Jim Anderson & Rick Ross (Lashley pins Rick), Rob Van Dam def. Matt Bentley, Magnus def. Jeff Hardy (Post Match: Daniels walks out, he grabs a mic and tells Jeff & the fans that this will be a familiar site because on Sunday Jeff you will be on your back again), ODB def. Velvet Sky, (6 man tag match Beautiful People vs Sarita, Rosita, & Taylor Wilde), Daniels w/ Bobby Lashley over Hernandez (Lashley walked out during the match stood in the corner of Daniels), Abyss vs AJ Styles (Draw), Rob Terry vs Desmond Wolfe is announced as Main Event, Matt Morgan is being interviewed he says “Sting I don’t care what you thought of me, I don’t care if you thought I would be a future hall of famer or even the best wrestler in the World. It’s time for you to get out of the way and for me to take your spot. It will happen at No Surrender, Sting in 3 days you career is over.” Rob Terry def. #10 (c) Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea via Count-out (Post Match: Anderson tries to attack Terry but Big Rob fights it off and knocks Anderson over the ropes & makes the motion he wants the World Title), Promo for No Surrender
Saturday September 18th Xplosion:

Jay Lethal def Axl Williams, Magnus def. Gary Powers, Kid Kash & Brian Kendrick def. Austin Wright & David Daniels (Kash pins Daniels), Tara def. Katrina Waters, Abyss over Alfred Red & Sam Watson
Sunday September 19th No Surrender: Orlando, FL

Announcers hype each match set for the card tonight, Alex Shelley def. (c) Kazarian to win the X-Division Title, Hernandez vs Bobby Lashley (Double Count-Out), Mr. Anderson is being interviewed as he holds up his title he says “I am telling the world that this is my title and it if TNA wants it back they will have to try harder than a overgrown, muscle bound freak to try and take it from me; because like the ppv name says No Surrender.” (c) Beer Money over AJ Styles & Abyss to retain the Tag Team Titles, Jeff Hardy def. Daniels (Post Match: Daniels attacks Hardy but then from out of nowhere Gregory Helms jumps the rail and attacks Daniels saving Hardy), Beautiful People def. Rosita, Sarita, (c) Taylor Wilde (Velvet pins Wilde), (c) Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea def. RVD to retain the Television Title, Team 3D def. Petey Williams & Eric Young (Bubba pins Young), TNA World Match: Rob Terry def. (c) Mr. Anderson to win the TNA World Title (Post Match celebration with Big Rob and most of the face roster are out including Jeff Jarrett)
Thursday September 23rd Impact:
Highlights of No Surrender, AJ Styles def. James Storm, Announcer praise Rob Terry and how good he did last night finally betting Mr. Anderson, Magnus def. RVD (Desmond Wolfe is watching the match), Abyss def. Robert Roode, Matt Morgan def. Hernandez (Post Match: Lashley attacks Hernandez, he then grabs a mic and tells Hernandez Sunday meant nothing and he wants a re-match), Jay Lethal def. Brian Kendrick, (c) Taylor Wilde over Velvet Sky via DQ to retain Knockouts Title (Madison Rayne costs Velvet the match when she tripped Velvet then attack Taylor. She tells Sky she made a mistake she Velvet was Taylor), Gregory Helms def. Adam Silver, Daniels is being interviewed backstage he says “So Jeff Hardy gets everything he gets title shots, he gets Main Event matches, Limos, Jobs for his friends. What do I get, I get pushed aside like so many others because TNA Management don’t think we can carry the ball so they bring in people from up north to do it for us. I for one am sick of it this is our company and I helped build it not to just have people from another company come in and take the spot I worked my ass for. Jeff I am not going do without a fight. Team 3D def. Eric Young & Petey Williams (Respect shown between the team after the match), Mr. Anderson vs Jeff Hardy is announced as Main Event, Kurt Angle def. Rhino, Rosita over ODB, Rob Terry championship celebration is announced for next week, Mr. Anderson def. Jeff Hardy (Daniels distracts Hardy allowing Anderson to pick up the win, Post Match: Helms runs in and fights with Daniels but then out of nowhere comes Samoa Joe to help Daniels. Then Jeff dives on all 3 of them and the show ends in a brawl) Highlights of No Surrender
Thursday September 30th Impact:

Gregory Helms def. Daniels (Post Match: Daniels attacks Helms, then Jeff Hardy runs down to make the save but then Samoa Joe attacks Hardy. Daniels and Joe are left standing they shake hands and embrace to a round of boos.), Motor City Machine Guns def. Team 3D (Alex pins Bubba), #10 Desmond Wolfe def. #9 Robert Roode (Wolfe slides up a spot in the Top 10), Mr. Anderson vs Rhino, Samoa Joe def. Kazarian, Magnus def. Sting via DQ came when Matt Morgan attacked Sting, Jay Lethal def. Petey Williams, Rob Terry celebration: Rob, Angle, Hardy, & Jarrett all in the ring to congratulate Big Rob. But then Mr. Anderson, Lashley come out on stage and Anderson tells Terry he is exercising his rematch clause next week and will get back his title. Samoa Joe vs Jeff Hardy is announced as Main Event, RVD def. Eric Young, Backstage: Daniels & Joe talking about the Main Event. Joe tells Daniels he doesn’t need his advice he knows how to beat Hardy. Hernandez is out and issues an open challenge next week for any former member of the company up north. He wants to show everyone what he will do the next time he’s in the ring with Lashley. Just as he is about to leave Lashley sneaks Hernandez from behind knocking him to the floor Bobby proceeds to get a table from under the ring a dominator Hernandez through a table. Security finally gets Bobby away from Hernandez. ODB & Tara def. Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky miscommunication between the Beautiful People cause Tara pins Sky (Post Match: Rayne is yelling at Velvet saying she lost it’s all her fault and proceeds to slap Velvet. Then Madison runs from the ring), Samoa Joe vs Jeff Hardy w/ Rob Terry the Special Enforcer (Double DQ when both Daniels & Helms run in and then Anderson runs in to fight Rob Terry and the brawl is on.)
Thursday October 7th Impact:

Rob Van Dam def. Rhino, Sarita def. Velvet Sky (Post Match: Madison attacks Velvet yelling at her saying she is the reason Madison lost the title), Team 3D def. Beer Money Non-title (Bubba pins Storm), Jeff Jarrett is out to make an announcement regarding Bound For Glory: first he says to make Bound For Glory special this year not only will every title be on the line but they will be defend in a Triple Threat match even the tag belts. Next Week Motor City Machine Guns will face Petey Williams & EY to determine who is in the 3 Way match with Beer Money and the Team 3D. All of the other matches will take place next week to determine who will challenge for each title. Also Bound for Glory will take place this year in Daytona Beach, FL at the Ocean Center. Abyss vs Rob Terry is announced as the Main Event, Jay Lethal def. Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea via DQ, Bobby Lashley, Daniels & Samoa Joe def. Jeff Hardy, Gregory Helms & Hernandez (Joe pins Helms), Kurt Angle def. Matt Morgan (Sting was on commentary for this match), Mr. Anderson def. Sting (Morgan walks out and distracts Sting letting Anderson win), Rosita def. (c) Taylor Wilde to win Knockouts title, Rob Terry def. Abyss
Thursday October 14th Impact:
Scorpio Sky def. Shima Ion, Abyss def. Special E, Gunner def. Kaz, (c) Rosita def. Madison Rayne to retain the Knockouts title, AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle vs Jeff Hardy vs Daniels is announced as Main Event, Hernandez def. Magnus (Post Match: Lashley challenges Hernandez to an Arm Wrestling Match next week), Motor City Machine Guns def. Petey Williams & Eric Young (Shelley pins Young), Velvet Sky def. Tara, Angelina Love, & ODB in a 4 way to advance to BFG, Jay Lethal def (c) Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea non-title (Post Match: Desmond lays out Lethal with the title saying the TV title will never be Jay’s), Gregory Helms def. Samoa Joe via DQ, Sting def. James Storm (Post Match: Matt Morgan tells Sting he is tired of him bothering him and holding back his career so he challenges Sting to a match at Bound For Glory and if Sting loses he must retire), RVD def. Brian Kendrick, Backstage: Mr. Anderson tells Jarrett that he wants Rob Terry next week for his re-match clause. Jarrett gives it to him. Kurt Angle def. AJ Styles, Daniels, & Jeff Hardy (Angle pins Daniels)



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