TNA: A Big Reason to Watch

It was reported this after noon that tonight TNA Gutcheck returns with the newest challenger for the challenge. Tonight current NYWC World Champion The Big O will apart of tonight's Gutcheck segment. Real name Adam David has been competing for local Long Island company NYWC since late 2011. Wrestling fans know Adam from his fame as Zack Ryder's best friend from Zack's YouTube show Z True Long Island Story. Many might be surprised that Big O is going to join TNA and not be with his friend Zack. But in wrestling you take any break you can get and this is a good break for Adam.

Big O is an up in comer in wrestling and I hope this is his big break because he like a lot of other who have gotten this chance has worked for it. Big O has definitely gotten out of the shadow of Zack's show and started building his own name in wrestling. Also unlike most people that have been in this competition Big O actually is has more charisma in my book then most anyone in TNA. Outside of Roode, Aries, Hardy, Bully, Devon, Angle, & Storm small class but a lot of good names to be mentioned with.

Almost forgot Big O also has a catchphrase that should play to his advantage because TNA need some more heat:

But if you handle that heat "Get out of his OZONE"

Good Luck to the Big O he deserves it!!!!!!!!!!

Follow Me on twitter: @BWF1905
Follow Big O and show your support for him @uhohitsthebigo


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