How I would Book it Part 6........ TNA 2010

Sunday August 8th Hard Justice: Orlando, FL

Announcers hype the card, 3 way Knockout tag team #1 Contender Match (winner is #1 Contender): Rosita, Sarita & ODB def. Beautiful People & Angelina Love, Hamada & Tara (Rosita pins Love), (c) Kazarian def. Shima Ion to retain the X-Division title, Kurt Angle def. Eric Young, (c) Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea def. Rob Van Dam to retain the TV Title, Grudge Match: Rhino def. Scott Steiner, Motor City Machine Guns over LAX via Count-Out, Rob Terry package showing how Big Rob got to challenging for the World Title, (c) Beer Money def. Pope D’ Angelo Dinero & Jay Lethal to retain the Tag Team titles, Daniels over Jeff Hardy, Tables Match: Team 3D def. Generation Me, #8 AJ Styles def. #7 Samoa Joe to advance up a spot in the TNA Top 10, TNA World Title Match: (c) Mr. Anderson def. “The Freak” Rob Terry (Lashley runs down and distracts Terry allowing Anderson to pick up the win) Post Match: Big Rob is pissed and starts tearing apart the ring and then knocking out security guards. Anderson looks scared when Big Rob says he wants that title and tells Anderson & Lashley he will break both of them in half.,
Thursday August 12th Impact
Highlights from Hard Justice, Scott Steiner def. Max Buck, Petey Williams def. Shima Ion & Jay Lethal (Petey pins Ion), Hamada def. ODB, Pope D’ Angelo Dinero def. The Ripper, Motor City Machine Guns def. LAX (Sabin pin Homicide), Amazing Red def. Jeremy Buck, Announced for later tonight is the Angle Open Challenge, Rob Van Dam def. Rhino (Post Match: RVD takes a mic and he says for most of my time thus far in TNA I have wasted it with the likes of Team Entertainment, but someone said something earlier this year that stuck with me. He said he was going to make the TV title something because he never got the chance to do it when he first won the TV title. Many people may not know this but I am the longest reining TV champion in ECW history and I made that title mean a lot in that company. Now I want to do the same thing here so Desmond I challenge you to a match for your title. Brother Devon def. #10 James Storm (Devon moves on to the TNA Top 10), Terry vs Lashley in an Arm Wrestling match announced tonight, Angle Open Challenge: Kurt Angle def. Matt Morgan (Sting once again walks out to watch the match), Arm Wrestling Match: Rob Terry vs Bobby Lashley ends in a No-Contest when Lashley kicked out Terry leg to prevent him from winning and then Anderson comes down and attacks Big Rob with the title. Abyss comes running down to make the save.
Thursday August 19th Impact
Highlights of Last week’s show, Bobby Lashley is being interviewed and he says Anderson isn’t here tonight but he is, and that last week he proved why he is the most powerful man in TNA. He adds that if anyone has a problem with that he will be happy to beat them like he did Rob Terry. Team 3D vs Motor City Machine Guns (Draw), Matt Morgan def. Generation Me (Morgan pins Max) Post Match: Morgan calls out Sting, he says to Sting “I told you a couple of weeks ago I will do what Joe couldn’t which was end your career. Since then you have done nothing but make mine a living hell, I guess my threat did nothing to scare you.” Sting says “Let me stop you right there I have been in this profession far too long for to get scared by anyone especially you Matt.” Then Matt says “Maybe when I beat you will learn to fear Matt Morgan” Sting finishes with saying “I accept.” Samoa Joe def. Alexander Smith, Announcers are told that Madison Rayne told Jeff Jarrett if he doesn’t let you get another shot Taylor Wilde she will leave TNA, #7 Robert Roode def. Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea (RVD showed up on the titontron and asks Desmond if he accepts RVD’s challenge. All Desmond says is “No you don’t deserve a shot at my belt” Lashley vs Scott Steiner is announced for later tonight, Rob Terry def. Tommy Mercer & Mikael Judas (Rob pins Judas), Sting def. Doug Williams, Bobby Lashley def. Scott Steiner (Post Match: Rob Terry runs in to prevent the post match beat down but then Hernandez runs in and attacks Terry and officially joining Team Entertainment)

I let Homicide, Shannon Moore, Generation Me, Jesse Neal, Amazing Red, Doug Williams, Scott Steiner, Tomko, Sean Morley, Orlando Jordan, & Hamada

Thursday August 26th Impact:
Mr. Anderson is out with Bobby Lashley and Anderson says “I am proud to announce the newest member of Team Entertainment Hernandez. Out comes Hernandez, Anderson says that now that they have him to they will be more powerful and can fight the good fight against the wrestler wannabees that are in this company. Namely that Freak!!! Rob Terry he has does nothing to get my title and last time I checked that’s exactly what he is a nothing. Lashley has another mic and adds Ken it’s not just Rob who’s nothing everyone in this company is nothing and we have proven it time and again. Kazarian & Eric Young have heard enough they run out and attack Team Entertainment but are sent packing. Angle & Styles run out same thing but Big Rob Terry runs out evens the odds with Angle &AJ to fight Team Entertainment but Anderson tells Lashley & Hernandez to back up and they walk away. Anderson grabs the mic and challenges them to a match next week Lashley & Hernandez vs any TNA talents if we win I can bring any of my friends in to fight for contracts. You guys win I fight whoever management decides at No Surrender. Angle & AJ accept. Magnus def. Phil Shatter, Angelina Love def. Sarita, Petey Williams & Eric Young def. Sean Morley & Tomko (Petey pins Sean), (c) Kazarian def. Jeff Hardy (Daniels distracts Hardy which allows Kaz to win), (c) Beer Money vs Motor City Machine Guns (Time Limit Draw), Rosita def. Velvet Sky, Bobby Lashley vs AJ Styles is Main Event, Backstage: Morgan & Jarrett are talking about next week and Matt is begging Jeff for him to be a part of the team. Jeff tells him if he beats his opponent tonight, Rob Van Dam def. Matt Morgan, recap of earlier & hype for big Tag Match next week, (c) Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea def. #10 Brother Devon (Wolfe gets on TNA Top 10), AJ Styles w/ Rob Terry def. Bobby Lashley w/ Hernandez via DQ (Matt Morgan ran in a blasted AJ with a big boot it caused the DQ and then Rob Terry & Matt proceeded to brawl to end the show)
Thursday September 2nd Impact:
Highlights of last week, Jay Lethal def. Kid Kash, Jarrett announces Team TNA’s two for tonight as Rob Terry & AJ Styles, Abyss def. Ahmed Kozlov, Rosita def. Madison Rayne via DQ (Post Match: Madison attacks Rosita and is going to DDT her on the stage if she doesn’t give up her shot at Taylor but then Taylor Wilde runs in to make the save and runs Rayne off), Backstage: Anderson pep talking his guys Hernandez & Lashley. They also say how great it was that they even have their own guys turning on them. #7 Samoa Joe def. Shima Ion, James Storm def. Chris Sabin, Sting is being interviewed he says “I asked for this time because I have been keeping my eye on Matt Morgan. I thought he was the future of this business when I first saw him but now I realize he is just out for himself and doesn’t care about anyone else. This business was built on being in it for yourself I didn’t build a career on being in it for myself. People ask me when are you going to hang it up Stinger well now I have an answer “when I know the future will not kill the business. Morgan you need to learn this or maybe you need to have it beaten into….. Sting is knocked out by a big boot from yup Matt Morgan, he says Challenge Accepted. Alex Shelley over Robert Roode (Backstage: Team 3D are watching on the monitor), Mr. Anderson def. The Ripper (Post Match: Anderson grabs a mic and says “this title belongs to me & I am holding this title and this company hostage. Nobody will be able to beat me for this because I worked to damn hard to get here and be beat by some half wit that’s a part of a reject company like this”) Rob Terry & AJ Styles vs Bobby Lashley & Hernandez hyped as Main Event, Daniels def. Rhino (Jeff Hardy is on commentary and clears the air about drug issues), AJ Styles & Rob Terry def. Bobby Lashley & Hernandez (Hernandez turned on Lashley and walks out, Styles pins Lashley) Promo for No Surrender
Thursday September 9th Impact: 2 weeks before No Surrender
Hype for No Surrender, Madison Rayne def. Sarita (Post Match: Madison attacks Sarita screaming I want my title I want my title. The Beautiful People run down to get her off she shove Velvet & Lacey off they don’t like that before Madison realizes what happened Velvet & Lacey walk out.), Petey Williams & Eric Young def. Motor City Machine Guns (Post Match: Team 3D comes out and challenges EY & Petey to a #1 Contender match at No Surrender), Magnus def. Rhino, #10 (c) Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea def. Mister E (Post Match: RVD walks out and tells Desmond he hasn’t lost since he laid down the challenge to him so if anyone deserves a title shot it’s me. Desmond tells Rob he never said he deserved a title because he knows everyone thinks that already but if you want to fight me that bad fine I will fight you.), History package Daniels vs Jeff Hardy, Abyss def. Daniels, Beer Money def. Jay Lethal & Pope D’ Angelo Dinero (Roode pins Pope), Kid Kash over Shima Ion, highlights of last week, Bobby Lashley over Jeff Robertson (Post Match: Bobby challenges Hernandez to a match at No Surrender), Kurt Angle & Sting vs Samoa Joe & Matt Morgan is announced as Main Event, “The Freak” Rob Terry def. Robert Roode, Jeff Jarrett announces that at No Surrender it will be a re-match because of how it ended last month Mr. Anderson will defend his World Title against Rob Terry, Sting & Kurt Angle def. Matt Morgan & Samoa Joe (Sting pins Morgan)



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