WWE vs TNA Competition or Not

Yesterday I came across an article on Yahoo.com where the author gave his take on well the current state of competition in pro-wrestling. Which it doesn't take a brain surgeon to see that well TNA is nowhere near competing with WWE not because of the air product but it's the fan base. WWE has been around for longer which gives them to bigger fan base that is common knowledge. But TNA closing in on the plateau set by WCW and I don't mean ratings I mean that TNA is nearing 13 years. That is the amount of time that WCW stayed in business before being sold to the WWE. I think that even though TNA has had their problems over the last 11 years it would still damage the business very much if they were bought by WWE. I think it would really hurt the business if TNA went out of business even though I have disliked how TNA operated, on and off for the last 11 years and I have even hoped that they went out of business. I honestly never thought of it looking at what's best for the business but now I am and it's true if TNA were to go out of business it would hurt the business dearly. If you don't why well it's because it would take away a place to work for guys were they could make decent money and get exposure.

Also the article talks about three things TNA has could to compete with WWE and I completely disagree with most of them, but then I thought why don't I give it a try: below are 3 things I think TNA could do to compete with WWE.

1. Continue with what they are doing- TNA's overall product has changed for the better over the last year. If it's input from Eric Bischoff, Bruce Pritchard's new ideas or Hogan not wrestling. It could also be a combo of all three but whatever it is it is definitely helping TNA.

2. Heavily Market to UK- For as long as I can remember TNA has always had a big market in the UK with fans. That is why they travel to England and do shows their & most likely sell out more often then not. So TNA should maybe try pushing an English wrestler to be World champion to really boost that market.

3. Get their guys names out there- If WWE gets behind a guys and starts pushing them it's only a matter of time before they are seen on late night TV shows. But that's something TNA needs to learn how to do so they can phase out the legends and have younger guys with some name value replace them. Also stop depending on the WWE name value for talent and start pushing the TNA banner with talent. Get them on late night shows, throwing out the first pitch, announcing a basketball game or racing match. There is an endless number of things TNA could do to get their talent notice but it's just a matter of if they will do it.



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