How I would Book it Background........ TNA 2010

Many people remember this year as the year some fans thought the business would change because on January 4th 2010 TNA Impact was on Monday going head to head with RAW. Fans thought what if TNA moved to Monday's and went head to head with WWE we'd finally have the Monday Night Wars again. Well that didn't happen now TNA did move to Mondays but it didn't work out for them and ended up moving back to Thursdays a few weeks later. But I thought that from January 4th to December 30 the whole year could have been better and could have been used as building block for TNA. Not what was and that was a step back for the company as whole from The reforming of The Band to The Nasty Boys to Immortal to Abyss being a little bitch. Now come back with me as we change the history of TNA let's go back to that historic night in 2010 and find out what would have happened if TNA would have went a different direction.

Below are something's I'd change about the product:

  1. I would get rid of the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Titles
  2. No Monday Move at all except January 4th that's it
  3. Certain people who came to the company will not becoming like Val Venis, Nasty Boys, Orlando Jordan, Jimmy Hart, & others.
  4. No ECW Reunion Show
  5. Legends will have a limited role in the product
  6. Dixie Carter will not be seen on TV as much as she was this year
  7. I might still do the TNA Top 10 for the World Title
  8. Will bring in new talent from Indy's and ex-WWE stars
I hope you enjoy this journey back in time to TNA in 2010 and I also you enjoy for the first time me re-booking one full year of a wrestling company.


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