Wrestling Families

Everybody's Got A Price!!!!
With the fact that today is Mother's Day, I thought only one post one be fitting and that would be one about Family. Specifically one in which the mom wrestled also, and to my knowledge that only happened in one family...... The DiBiase Family. The family's legacy in the business began with Mike & Helen DiBiase who were the parents of "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase. Sadly during a match on July 2nd 1969, "Iron" Mike DiBiase suffered a fatal Heart Attack, and was pronounced dead on arrival to the hospital. (Harley Race realizing he was suffering a heart attack attempted CPR and then road with Mike in the ambulance).

Now over the last 38 years the DiBiase name has become one of the most recognizable family names in wrestling history. From, Ted DiBiase in the 70's, 80's & 90's to his sons in the modern era. DiBiase name is by far one of the more famous wrestling family names. Even though Ted Sr. never won a World Title he was one of the most hated bad guys in WWE during the 1980's. Nowadays it's his son Ted Jr. thrilling members of the WWE universe and some hope to see Ted win the World title one day. Him winning the title would be a way to tribute his Grandfather, his dad, & the family name that has had a part in this business for over 60 years. I don't know about you but I think someone in the family deserves a World Title run just for the amount of time the family has been apart of the business.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb_88BKp9mc Ted Dibiase Jr. debut



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