This day in Wrestling History

Today we would like to wish future Hall of Famer Jake "The Snake" Roberts a Happy Birthday as he turns 58 today. Jake was at one point one of the most talked about and highly touted wrestlers during his time. During his prime Roberts like many other guys was apart of many different territories all over North America. Jake however had somewhat of an advantage because he was a 2nd Generation star his daddy Grizzly Smith who was a popular wrestler in the late 50's & 60's. During his prime Jake was apart of many territories including: Mid-South, WCCW, WCWA, Stampede, Mid-Atlantic, Georgia Championship Wrestling, and many others.

It wasn't really until he was brought in by Vince McMahon in 1986 to be apart of the WWF. Jake was known on the Territory scale but now Vince would get him known Nationally. While in the WWE he feuded with some of the greats of the era from Savage to Steamboat to Andre to Rude to Undertaker. Then he left for WCW only to stay for around a year and then come back to WWF in 1996 after taking care of his personal problems. Like many wrestlers during the era Jake had substance abuse problems and at one point or another were really bad. Until he accepted an invite to go to live with DDP who offered to help straighten Jake out and get him on the right path again. Now almost a year later Jake is clean, sober, and happy, which is awesome. Also he said that he wants into the 2014 Royal Rumble which would be great to see because of the long, hard road Jake has traveled.

Thank You DDP for helping a legend be reborn and Thank you Jake for realizing you needed help and getting it.

Below is a match & a promo from the career of Jake Roberts: Jake Roberts vs Rick Rude Jake Roberts Promo (WM8) Jake Roberts WCCW 1984


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