How I would Book it......... TNA 2010 Part 1

Monday January 4th Impact: Orlando, FL

Announcers, Welcome us to the biggest Impact Ever, Six-Man Elimination X-Division Match: Suicide def. Consequences Creed, Jay Lethal, Homicide, Max Buck, & Jeremy Buck to win number 1 Contendership to Amazing Red’s title, Daniels pins Desmond Wolfe, Robert Roode & James Storm over Motor City Machine Guns (Storm pins Shelley), Dixie Carter comes down and says she hopes the fans are enjoying themselves thus far because she has two special announcements to make right now. First I will be here next week to name the new Authority Figure of TNA Wrestling. Also I am proud to announce the signing of the hottest free agent in pro-wrestling Jeff Hardy. Jeff comes out with Shannon Moore they both thank Dixie, and Jeff yells “Creatures it feels so good to be back in the Impact Zone. Even after being gone for as long as I have nothing has changed here except some of the people. Well first things first AJ I the pecking order in this company but I want your title.” Announcers disclose Main Event as Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles (Non-Title), Abyss def. Alex West, Doug Williams & Magnus w/ Rob Terry over Jesse Neal & Bobby Lashley (Post Match: Lashley attacks Jesse and leaves him lying) Scott Steiner def. Pope D’ Angelo Dinero, video package promoting the main event, Angelina Love & Velvet Sky over Sarita & Rosita (Sky pins Rosita), Kurt Angle def. (c) AJ Styles (non-title)
Thursday January 14th Impact: Orlando, FL

The camera is backstage to start we see a limo pull up and the speculation start who it might be, Amazing Red def. Shannon Moore (Non-Title), ODB over Madison Rayne, Jesse Neal def. Bobby Lashley w/ Krystal via DQ, Magnus w/ Doug Williams def. Jay Lethal w/ Consequences Creed, Desmond Wolfe comes out he says “I have had it I came to the this company expecting competition and all I have gotten is disrespected. Just because I came from a better company doesn’t mean I deserve to be disrespected by has-beens, glorified independent wrestlers, & inter breaded fans. If I wanted that I would have went to the company in Stamford but I have pride and I wanted to help the less fortunate.” Desmond Wolfe def. Mark Hughes, Motor City Machine Guns vs Beer Money announced as Main Event, Rhino def. Eric Young (non-title), Dixie Carter comes out to introduce the New General Manager of TNA his name is…. Jeff Jarrett. Jeff makes his way to the ring and thanks Dixie for the opportunity to have a part in TNA again. Then Jeff says he wants to announce that This Sunday AJ Styles will defend the World Title against Kurt Angle & Rhino will face Eric Young for the Global Championship. Also tonight match with MCMG vs Beer Money will be a #1 Contender Match. Samoa Joe def. Scott Steiner, Motor City Machine Guns def. Beer Money (Sabin pins Storm) During the Match: Kevin Nash is on stage watching
Sunday January 17th Genesis: Orlando, FL

(c) Amazing Red def. Suicide retains the X-Division Title, Bobby Lashley w/ Krystal def. Jesse Neal (Krystal distracts Jesse allowing Bobby to win), Rhino def. (c) Eric Young to win the Global Championship, Replay of Jeff Jarrett’s return to TNA, Desmond Wolfe def. Pope D’ Angelo Dinero, Kevin Nash is being interviewed and he tells JB that he wonders if people forget he holds the Fest or Fired Case for a Tag Title Shot. He adds that he will be watching the match tonight between the Guns & British Invasion. Jeff Hardy def. Daniels, British Invasion def. Motor City Machine Guns to retain the Tag Team Titles (Magnus pins Shelley), Post Match: Nash comes out and tells British Invasion to watch their backs because Nash has a partner and we will be fighting you at the next ppv. British Invasion who Kevin’s partner is and Nash says everyone will find out soon. Abyss def. Samoa Joe, (c) AJ Styles def. Kurt Angle to Retain the World Title
Thursday January 28th Impact: Orlando, FL

Highlights of Genesis, Eric Young def. Jesse Neal, Matt Morgan def Doug Williams w/ Rob Terry, Rhino comes out with the Global championship and tells the fans 9 years ago I held a title that was held in the utmost regard for the company that I used to work for in Philadelphia. That is why as of tonight this championship will not be called the Global title it is the now the TNA World TV Title. With that I challenge anyone to a match tonight for my belt because I want this title to have as much respect and the honor that my first companies TV title had. Lashley comes out and tells Rhino he wants a shot, Rhino accepts. (c) Rhino def. Bobby Lashley to retain TNA Television Title, Kevin Nash is shown backstage talking on his phone to from what we can gather is his partner and we find out he won’t be here tonight, Kurt Angle vs Jeff Hardy vs Abyss vs Daniels is the Main Event, Magnus def. Suicide (Post Match: Consequences Creed attacks Suicide), Team 3D over Lethal Consequences (Devon pins Creed), Hernandez def. Eddie Graves & David Static in a Handicap Match, (AJ Styles is on commentary), Jeff Hardy def. Kurt Angle, Abyss, & Daniels in a Fatal 4 Way (Hardy pins Abyss)
Thursday February 4th Impact: Orlando, FL

Suicide def. Consequences Creed, Kevin Nash over Jared Gene, Jeff Jarrett walks out and says that Genesis was great everything he thought it would be but the one thing all you fans are going to figure out each ppv is going to be that much better and I am here tonight to announce at Slammiversary this June a special return will take place and that’s all I will say right now. Amazing Red def. Max Buck (Non-title), Desmond Wolfe def. Shannon Moore, Beer Money over Team 3D (Storm pins Bubba), Magnus w/ Rob Terry def. Chris Sabin w/ Alex Shelley, Abyss vs Kurt Angle is the Main Event, (c) Tara def. ODB (non-title), Kevin Nash is shown talking on the phone again to who we assume to be his partner and we find out his partner will be back next week. Kurt Angle vs Abyss ends in a Double DQ (A Masked Man jumped the rail and attacks Angle and then another whacks Abyss with a chair from behind)
Saturday February 6th Xplosion: Orlando, FL

Generation Me def. Adam Sands & Felix Williams (Max pins Adam), Jay Lethal def. David Static, Pope D’ Angelo Dinero over Doug Williams
Thursday February 11th Impact: Orlando, FL

Highlights of Last week’s Impact, Douglass Williams & Magnus w/ Rob Terry def. Hernandez & Matt Morgan (Terry whacks Morgan in the back distracting long enough for Magnus to win), Daniels def. Eric Young, Rhino vs Desmond Wolfe (Draw), Announcers are told that Amazing Red has put out a challenge to face any former TNA superstar for the X-Division Title at Against All Odds on Sunday, Jeff Hardy def. Jesse Neal, Rosita def. Angelina Love, Motor City Machine Guns def. Team 3D, Kurt Angle comes out and tells whoever attacked him and Abyss to be men and come down here now. Nobody then he challenges whoever attacked him to a match on Sunday at the ppv if you show up I’ll know you accepted it. AJ Styles def. Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash makes his way to the ring and says with the ppv 3 nights away I think it’s time for everyone to find out who my partner is let me introduce…… Sting!!!! Announcers are very happy to see Sting are excited that Sting and Kevin Nash are teaming up this Sunday for a Tag Title shot, Samoa Joe vs Jeff Hardy is Main Event, promo for AAO, Samoa Joe def. Jeff Hardy (Post Match: Shannon Moore attacks Hardy)
Saturday February 13th Xplosion: Orlando, FL

Consequences Creed def. Austin Johnson, It is announced that Amazing Red will face a former X-Division Champion at AAO and Styles will defend the title in a 3 way dance vs Joe & Hardy, Hernandez def. Matt Morgan, Rhino def. James Storm
Sunday February 14th Against All Odds: Orlando, FL

Rhino def. Desmond Wolfe via Count-out to retain the Television Title, 6 Knockout Battle Royal #1 Contender Match for later tonight won by: Madison Rayne, (c) Amazing Red def. Kid Kash to retain the X-Division Title, Team 3D over Beer Money (Bubba pins Roode), highlights of Nash reveling his Partner to be Sting, Madison Rayne def. (c) Tara to win the Knockouts Championship, Kurt Angle comes out and calls out one of the people who attacked him and Abyss 2 weeks ago. But nothing he calls both of them little bitches who would only make a move when his back was turned and that makes them both come out. Angle fights them off until the 2 on 1 advantage catches up and then Abyss runs down to help. Soon after Abyss run in to make the save the Masked Men retreat. Kevin Nash & Sting over (c) British Invasion via DQ (Rob Terry interferes and takes out Sting then 3 on 1 to Kevin Nash), Backstage: Jeff Hardy is being interviewed about getting the title shot and what happened last week with Moore. As he starts talking about Shannon he gets blindsided by… Shannon Moore. Who proceeds to hit Jeff with anything not nailed down and ends up leaving Jeff in pool of his own blood. (c) AJ Styles def. Samoa Joe to retain the TNA World Championship
Thursday February 18th: Orlando, FL

Highlights of Against All Odds, Jay Lethal def. Max Buck, Matt Morgan def. Greg Anderson, Jeff Jarrett comes out to tell the fans that because of the ending of the Tag Title match on Sunday British Invasion will run the Gauntlet tonight against 3 other teams and if they once they lose their titles. British Invasion comes and complains saying Jeff can’t do this it’s not fair. Jeff said they should have cheated then because his are tied and they could always forfeit. #1 Contender Match: Beer Money vs Team 3D (Time Limit Draw) Champion vs Champion: Rhino def. Amazing Red, (Return) Kazarian def. Suicide, highlights of Shannon Moore’s attack on Jeff Hardy from Sunday and we find out well here from Shannon next week. Abyss def. Bobby Lashley w/ Krystal, (Post Match: Kurt Angle comes out and first thanks Abyss for the back up on Sunday but then says they have unfinished business to take care of from a few weeks and challenges Abyss to a match next week. Abyss accepts), Tag Championship Gauntlet Match: British Invasion: Magnus & Doug Williams def. Kevin Nash & Sting (Distraction from Rob Terry), 2nd Match: Magnus & Doug Williams def. Motor City Machine Guns, 3rd Match: British Invasion lose to the returning LAX (Homicide & Hernandez) LAX win TNA Tag Titles

~~ Enjoy ~~


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