This Day in Wrestling History

This day 3 years ago all the members of the WWE universe saw what we become a WWE legends last match in WWE. I am speaking of Over The Limit 2010 and "The Animal" Batista's last match against John Cena. Batista in many respects was becoming the top heel in WWE and was just starting to get over as a heel. It wasn't the match it was the direction WWE was going TV-rating wise as in the switch to PG that made Batista want to leave. But I guess it could have also been he didn't want to be a heel just yet as some may forget for the first 4 years of his career Dave was a heel.

In 2002 WWE saw it's future debut the shape of three men and it was in the span of 3 month it happened as well. First it was Randy Orton who debuted on April 25th 2002 against Hardcore Holly and would later become Dave's stable mate in Evolution. Then in May it was Batista who debuted as Deacon Batista the body guard for Rev. Devon. Last but not least it was in June that future face of WWE debuted I of course mean John Cena. These three guys would go on to win a total of 27 World Titles from 2005-2010. For someone to say that doesn't mean a thing I disagree. because it sure as hell means something when 3 guys combine to win more titles together in 5 years then Flair did in over 30 years.

Batista was at one point a top name in WWE and was a big draw but I think those days are behind him not that I don't think he can do it anymore it's just I think his age will get the better of him. I think it's best if we are allowed to remember Batista for what he was and not if were to comeback. They should leave well enough alone.

Below is John Cena vs Batista from OTL 2010 and highlights from said PPV: John Cena vs Batista I-Quit Match Over The Limit 2010 Highlights Batista vs Triple H (WM 21)


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