This Day in Wrestling History

RIP Macho Man
Gone but never forgotten
Snap into a Slim Jim Oh Yeah!!!!!
This day 2 years ago it was one of the most sad days in modern wrestling because one of the most respected wrestlers of all time. Randy Poffo or that's the name he started under the name he is better known as is Macho Man Randy Savage. This man became one of the most well liked and well respected wrestlers of all time by most people. Randy began his career in 1973 as a part time wrestler in Georgia like a lot of others in this era he only wrestled in the offseason as he played baseball also. Randy didn't start getting noticed until he moved to CWA or the Memphis territory and it was long before he began to feud with Jerry Lawler.
Randy then became a big star after being brought into the WWF by Vince Jr in 1985 and it wasn't long before he won gold as he won the IC title in early 1986. Then after nearly 10 years in the WWE he left for WCW in 1994 which most people still don't know why he left. Randy then stayed with WCW until 2000. Randy's last appearance in the business was a TNA show back in 2005. Even though Randy was never a top star he still remembered as one of the best worker in the and one of the most charismatic wrestlers of his era and in many respects of all time.

Below are a list of achievements Randy has mounted during his career:

2 time WWE Champion
1 time WWE Intercontinental Champion
4 times WCW World Champion
1995 WCW World War 3 Winner
1987 WWE King of the Ring Champion

Below is a great match from Randy's career and a tribute: Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat (WM3) Randy Savage Tribute DDP Tributes Randy Savage Ultimate Warrior Tributes Randy


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