WWE Nothing Will Change
WWE will not change so I think everyone needs to learn to being taking the good with the bad and bad with the ugly. This week's show was definitely the bad I didn't see all of it but I saw some of it the matches seemed to quick it was like I was having flash back to watch RAW during the 90's. I don't mean the good I mean were all the matches were 5:00 minutes or less. Because most of the matches during the Vince Russo era on RAW were extremely short because he didn't believe in long matches. But I think that and a weak crowd really hurt RAW this week but one of things they can control the other they are out of luck sometimes. What could help is not repeating the same match 3 times in the span of less than a week. Also let's start seeing the Shield face other people before the fans start getting bored with them to just saying. I don't mean The Shield is boring, because they aren't I just think people will get tired of seeing the same guys fight all of the time, and especially the same guys win.
But what I have learned is no matter how hard you want them to WWE will not change because they are still profitable if they stop being profitable then they will change something. The other way they'd change is by getting competition against them which I don't think is coming anytime soon. No offense meant to TNA and I am not even going to get into that right now. Long story short is even though the rating was bad this week nothing will change.
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