This Day in Wrestling History

Today I would like to wish current WWE announcer and part-time wrestler William Regal a Happy 45th Birthday. This year will also mark 30 years in the business for Regal. Regal began his career in the US in 1992 with WCW and first began as a baby face but it didn't last long as he turned heel. After he turned his named changed from Steven Regal to Lord Steven Regal and was managed by Sir William aka Bill Dundee. William is most known for his tenure with the WWE which has lasted for over 10 years as Regal re-debuted for WWE in 2000 after first debuting in 1998.

Below are achievements Regal has won during his career:

2 times WWE Intercontinental Champion
4 time WWE Tag Team Champion
4 time WCW Television Champion
4 time WWE European Champion
5 times WWE Hardcore Champion
2008 King of the Ring winner

Below are a few of the talents Regal has had a hand in training:

  1. CM Punk
  2. Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan)
  3. Brian Kendrick
  4. Chris Hero (Kassius Ohno)
  5. Samoa Joe William Regal Tribute


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