WWE: We understand

  1. We don't chose who you push even though we should because if they don't get a reaction don't shove them down our throats. 
  2. No matter how much we like a guy if he isn't John Cena or like by Triple H he won't get pushed
  3. No matter how much talent a guy has it's more important for him to be in a stupid skit then a competitive wrestling match
  4. The Attitude Era isn't ever coming Back no matter how much some of us want it to. 

These are four things as fans of the WWE we should come to accept, because they have been the same way for so long and we have waited for change for so long and it hasn't come. WWE doesn't care what we have to say because Vince has never taken what the people want into consideration if he did then anyone we say would have been World Champion. Vince only cares about who makes him money & will tell us who to cheer for which is part of the reason why he never appealed to the Hardcore fans. As it is easier to get the causal fan to cheer for who you want them over the Hardcore fans. So that is why Vince & all of the WWE don't care about the Hardcore fans because we cheer for who we want and not who they tell us to. 

Look at the people WWE has pushed, most of the people that have been pushed in the last 3 years were pushed for the sole reason of Political Gain. By that I mean, only people that are liked by Vince or now Hunter get pushed by WWE. Also factor in if the guy is liked by John Cena he will get pushed also because Cena is a top guy and makes the most money so Vince will listen. Knowing this Vince will still shove people down our throats even if they aren't over or have never been over. I mean a certain superstar was pushed at least 4 times because Vince liked his size but he never got over every time his push stopped. Also look at guys like Zack Ryder who got HIMSELF over the office had nothing to do with it. Then he is booked to get Cena back over and they make Ryder look like a fool to make Cena get over. WWE doesn't who we cheer for they only care if we cheer for who they want us to cheer for. Number 3, I am talking about people that have loads of talent but never show it because the only time they are on TV is for a stupid skit. People like Daniel Bryan, Kidd, McGillicutty, Truth, Miz, etc. WWE doesn't value talent they only value who can entertain the little kiddies and the casual fans. 

Last thing, I have heard this some many times for years & I might be the only person who feels like this but I don't want the Attitude Era to comeback. Because, Wrestling isn't about going back it's about moving forward which is something most people don't want to do. For the reason that the programming WWE puts out nowadays Sucks!!! But back in the Attitude Era it was the best. One of the only reason it was that good is because of the TALENT they had like Austin, Rock, DX, Foley, Taker, Kane, Jericho, Hart, etc. They gave talent a lot more freedom back then a the political game that is so apparent now was just about non-existent back then. It's that the rating has to change it's the WWE has to change get rid of the Politics & the Double Standard and be fair. Give your talent the opportunity to express how they think their characters should be showed on TV and not just be told how things will be. I think that will help a lot more then a rating change from PG to TV-14 but that's just me. 

There are a lot of things wrong with WWE but that's just my opinion, your's counts to and for that reason tomorrow I will be moving away from the ranting and back to normal posts. Thanks for Listening!!


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