Independent Until Now

Over the past few years many people have seen or heard about WWE targeting some of their favorite stars who are/were on the Indy scene. From Claudio Castagnoli, Tyler Black, Bryan Danielson, & Incognito a few years ago. For those who may not know Claudio is Antonio Cesaro, & Incognito is Hunico; also Seth Rollins is Tyler Black. But more recently WWE has signed Pac, Chris Hero, Brodie Lee, Jon Moxley, now with Physical Pending WWE has signed The Generic Luchadore "El Generico." Generico has been a long standing independent wrestler for the last decade he has made his mark on the Canadian Independent Circuit but also on the Indy Circuit here in the US. Generico has competed in various companies from ROH, DGUSA, PWG, Evovle, TNA, PWS, WXW, DDT, LWA, CZW, & others.

Like most of us that are apart of the IWC always say we hope WWE uses in him right because they have a bad history of misusing talent. Generico, I believe if given the opportunity to display exactly what he can do in the ring then he will have no problem in WWE. Especially if he has Punk, Bryan, Black, & Moxley on his side. WWE is moving in the right direction but is also showing that they may not believe in the talent they have and want to sign people from outside the company. Just because WWE may have a different attitude towards indy wrestlers doesn't mean they should be snatching them all up instead using the talent they have to make new stars. Also I have heard that WWE is strongly interested in Adam Cole & Sami Callihan but take that as a rumor. Like I said early in the post it isn't known when he maybe coming because he hasn't all of the medical tests yet. Below is the video of El Generico's Farewell I believe at the PWG event over the weekend: El Genrico Farewell

Thank You Generico for dazzling us with your incredible move-set & hope you don't get to limited in WWE. Ole Ole Ole Ole


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