Spring Cleaning Early Start

As of this writing the first victim of this years Spring Cleaning from WWE has been "Future Endeavored" it is not Zack Ryder. It is Trent Baretta; after months on the shelf with an injury Trent came back and was wrestling in NXT. Many say Trent has talent but was misused by WWE and I agree he was a really good jobber and is young enough were they could have made him into a decent mid-carder. But sometimes WWE doesn't always think in the best way possible to help keep certain people around. That's what happened to Trent, he was better then when they first signed him and still he is only 25 years old, now that WWE sent him packing he can go to a company that would know how to use him.
Trent debuted on the Main Roster, after about 2 & 1/2 years in FCW apart of a team called the Dudebusters with his partner Caylen Croft. They joined the ECW brand where they feuded with Goldust & Yoshi Tatsu ultimately losing to them in the feud. Once, the ECW brand was ended the Dudebusters moved to Smackdown where they became a jobber tag team. On Smackdown the Dudebuster also feuded with the Gatecrashers (Curt Hawkins & Vance Archer). The feud went on until both Archer & Croft were let go and that led to a singles feud with Hawkins & Baretta. After that Trent mostly became an Enhancement talent competing mostly on Superstars. In 2011, Trent began a long standing feud with fellow underused & undervalued talent Tyson Kidd. For the most part Trent came up short only winning two matches in the feud but still. Then in 2012 after feuding with Hawkins & Reks, Trent disappeared from TV for 6 months. This led to a segment on Zack Ryder's Youtube show Z True Long Island Story called Where's Trent. After the hiatus Trent returned to fight a few matches then was Wish the Best of Luck In All his:


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