Wrestling Families

Throught the History of Wrestling there have been many great Families that have dazzled fans over generations with similarities to how the first generation operated. In this Blog series we will take a look at some of the greatest Wrestling families in the history of this great business.

To Start I figured we would go with a family everyone knows and probably one of the most famous Wrestling families in the World or at least in Canada. I am of course speaking of the Hart Family. Stu Hart the Patriarch of the Hart Family, Stu opened his promotion Stampede Wrestling in 1948. Like Fritz in Texas, All of Stu's kids worked for him in Stampede. What some people don't know is that Stu and Helen Hart had 12 kids (8 boys & 4 girls) their last child was Owen. Only none of the girls were in wrestling they however married wrestlers. Ellie Hart married Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart, Georgia Hart married BJ Annis, Allison Hart Married Ben Bassarab, & Diana Hart married Davey Boy Smith. Now we move to probably the two more famous Hart's, Bret & Owen who were both a part of the WWE for a majority of their pro-wrestling careers. Starting with Bret, he began his WWF tenure as apart of a team with his brother-in law Jim Neidhart in 1985 until they broke up 1991. Around this time is when Bret's singles push began and soon after the break up he won the IC title. Over the span of around a year Bret had I am sure what he calls 3 of the greatest matches of his career. The first was winning the IC title in one of the greatest matches in Summerslam history against Curt Hennig. Then in 1992 facing his Cousin Roddy Piper at Wrestlemania. Finally in what many call another Summerslam classic Bret fought his Brother-in law Bulldog for the IC title at Wembely Stadium. Bret would then win the WWF title later that year from Ric Flair in Canada. So started his path to becoming one of the greatest stars in WWE history.
Now to his brother Owen, he is in my book the most Underrated singles superstar in WWE history and probably one of the more decorated tag team wrestler also in WWE history. Owen is a 4 time tag champion, 1 time European & Intercontinental Champion & is a Two Slammy Award winner. In short Owen Hart vs Bret Hart produced some of the best matches at each ppv they fought and provided more evidence the Owen should  have been World Champion. One of the reasons why isn't as known as he should be is because of an incident that took place May 23rd 1999 in Kansas City. It was the Over the Edge and Owen was going to win the IC title from the Godfather. But, Owen who was then the Blue Blazer was going to make a Sting esque entrance from the ceiling but... fell from the top of the arena and hit his head on the ring post in the ring and was dead on impact. Owen was going to retire really soon to spend time with his family.
Owen is sorely missed by fans all over the world.
Below is a link to the Hart Family's page on Wikipedia so you can see just who is releated to this great family. Thank You & Until Next Time


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