THQ is Sold

With the auction of THQ's assets taking place today and it being official now that all of THQ's licences, studios, etc have been sold. Companies like Sega, Ubisoft, Take Two, Koch Media, & Crytek are just a few of the gaming companies to purchase THQ's assets. However in the notice it didn't mention who bought WWE Games licence as it wasn't leaked yet. THQ has been wrestling games for the last 13 years starting with WCW Revenge, then leaving the WCW series after WCW in 1998. After they finished with WCW they moved on to the WWE in 2000 with Smackdown 1 and then staying with WWE for 13 years after that. They published games like Smackdown 1 & 2, Smackdown Just Bring It, Smackdown Shut Your Mouth, Smackdown vs Raw series, Crush Hour, Raw 1 & 2, Wrestlemania 2000, Day of Reckoning 1 & 2, etc.

All in all with word having that production has already started on WWE 14 which is or was set for release in late 2013 all that's to say now is...... Who's making the game now???

Best of Luck to all those who may have lost their jobs with THQ because of the auction it just shows that this economy effects everyone and anytime something can take a turn for the worst.


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