Wrong form of Entertainment

Goal shouldnt be "how do we get casual fans to buy ?" Should be "how do we get casual fans to buy everything else?"

@steveaustinBSR used 2 preach about the importance of #WWE Title & what it meant to the champion & the @WWE. @CMPunk restored that feeling.

Look at both those tweets from one former WWE creative writer back in the late 90's and early 2000's then look at the other one it's a tweet from one of the Greatest Wrestling announcers of All time. Now think about how they pertain to what happened at the Royal Rumble last night. Now I told everyone who would listen that if a certain Fruity Pebble, Superman wannabee from West Newberry, MA won the Rumble. He did, but I am not going to rip into WWE, I am not going to rant because over the last year I have ranted on WWE more times then I can count. This is different because I have been speaking up for months and I have given up the WWE doesn't give too S*** about there Hardcore fans it's like the Tweet says they care more about the casual fans. ECW built it's legacy by giving the Hardcore fans a reason to be happy and cheer. WWE not so much they have been going after the casual fans for years for one reason that is they think no matter what the hardcore fans will always be here. 

I have been a fan for 15 years, but over the last few years WWE's product has gotten worse instead of better which is a problem. To quote Punk or WWE creative: Fact, John Cena is 35 years old going to be 36 this year, Fact: John Cena has said he will only continue to go as long as his body can hold up, Fact: Once The Rock drops the WWE title he will leave and the ratings will drop that saying they don't drop before he leaves. Fact: CM Punk's reign the Longest WWE title reign in the last 25 years. Fact: WWE management has to be delusional to think a Non-Full time worker ending Punk's reign was a good idea. Fact: I thought Once in a Lifetime only meant it would happen ONCE and not year later. WWE trying to test if we are stupid or not which never works out well for them. They are making a big mistake by not letting anyone look like they are on Cena's level and it will make it that tougher for them to find someone to replace John. 

By the way the ending if you could call that of the WWE title match last night was a worse ending the Finger Poke of Doom. People say it would all be OK if Cena turn's heel well he won't and most likely never will because WWE is at this point afraid it might work. Also with his Rumble win Cena has made the 2013 Rumble one of the least interesting Rumble outcomes in history. People don't talk about the Rumble when established stars win it they talk about when people who are new to the main event win it that's why the Rumble used to be a career making match in many regards. But it has lost that aspect in the past few years because of the winners of the Rumble. OK, some of them deserved to win the match at least once but I mean c'mon since 2007 a person who was already established won the match. Either because of politics or they deserved it and in Edge, Undertaker, & Randy Orton's case this was true they did but everyone else I can't say they did. 

When, people like Michaels, Austin, Mysterio, Brock, Batista, Benoit, & Luger won the Rumble it was a big deal because for the most part they were new to the main event. It gave the people a new face to cheer for which is something we haven't gotten in year with WWE. They have also lost touch with giving people they want to push along showing in the Rumble because they don't push anyone the traditional way they push them the WWE way. Which is something that happens in a company like WWE that hasn't cared about it's mid card for years and now all of the sudden they do care. Well the depth they once had is gone and they aren't doing anything to change it because if it get's out on the internet the wrestler isn't coming like Benjamin & Carlito last night. 

In closing, WWE is obviously conducting focus groups with Casual fans who tell them what they want to hear and not Hardcore fans because WWE doesn't care about Hardcore fans. For the reason being we think we know everything and we don't and some of us run our mouths when we shouldn't even be talking. Until the members of the IWC who give speak when they shouldn't and run their mouths like they know what they are talking about shut up. The other members won't have their voice heard. 

I plead with WWE please: (even though you can't take it back)
1. Let go of Super Cena, bring new talent to the forefront because those who are there for the most part are past their primes. 
2. Don't bury Punk, Cesaro, or Bryan embrace the independent wrestlers because most of the ones you signed are the best of the best. 

This isn't over it has just begun two weeks ago I had a big post planned but I changed my mind but now I don't care and I will put it up tomorrow. If WWE doesn't care maybe the IWC can make them. Doubt it though because we are just the fans who have been watching for year but what do we know.


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