PPV Predictions

TNA Genesis
Gail Kim vs. ODB vs. Miss Tessmacher vs. Mickie James vs. Velvet Sky
this will be a usual women's match; even though it is a Gauntlet Match, I don't think it will be anything special and if I had to guess Miss Tessmacher will be the winner
Christian York vs. Kenny King
this match has all the makings to be a good match as both men know what they are doing in the ring. From how they are booking King on TV it seems as though he is getting pushed so I think he'll win here
(c) Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
honestly even with Chavo & Joey being as good as they are in the ring I don't think Morgan & Hernandez can have a good match together. By the way I think Chavo & Hernandez retain
(c) Rob Van Dam vs. Winner of X-Division Tournament (Kenny King)
like the X-Division match earlier on the show this match has all the makings of being a good match as well but like the other match they both have to be given enough time to be good. Which they should be given time because the X-Division title is suppose to mean something. Using the same logic from King's match earlier since it seems like they are pushing him on TV so it would make sense for him to win the title
Sting vs. DOC
this match is one of bigger feuds in TNA right now if I had to guess next to the main event this match is probably going to be given a lot of the time. To keep it short if it was me I'd have Doc win so he could get a big win. That's the guess I am going with Doc wins here
Devon vs. Joseph Park
even though this match is another feud match I don't think this should be or will be anything special because Joseph Parks is in it. Unless of course they are trying to give Joseph a more serious role or something then it might be given a decent amount of time. Either way Devon has got to win here or it will damage his credibility
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
honestly, I don't know the reason why this match is happening but I think given enough time it could be a highlight match for the ppv. Because these two guys know each other very well & have great chemistry in the ring with each other.
(c) Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
No matter how the rest of the show goes this will be given the most time & for good reason it's the World Title Match. What they want is for you to not know who is going to win and think any of them have a chance but... truthfully that's not the case for a sole reason that Hardy hasn't held the title to long and they will keep the belt on him for a while.

The Next edition of PPV Prediction will be 2 weeks from today on January 27th when WWE bring it's Universe the Royal Rumble. Till then enjoy


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