Moment in Time 3

Like I have been doing with this posting series of events that have in one way or another been burned into the minds of Wrestling fans. The first two were the forming of the NWO & the other was Austin 3:16 promo from King of the Ring 96. Now we move back to WCW with this next moment actually has two part to it both happened during the same show. I am referring two the January 4th 1999 edition of Nitro the episode that many people say helped kill WCW. The first video is Tony Schiavone's reveling that Mick Foley was going to win the WWF title & the second video is the famous "Finger Poke of Doom." (That reformed the NWO) Here We Go:  Tony Schiavone revels Mick Foley will win the WWF title  Finger Poke of Doom (Kevin Nash vs Hulk Hogan) 


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