TNA Today

Once again, I take to my blog to share my thoughts with you guys on TNA Impact last night and even Turning Point on Sunday. Over the last couple of week I have been paying close attention to the lay-out of the show and the separation of match, also how much goes on during the show. They started the show out hot last night with a heated feud especially a great way to build up a match not needing a lot of hype but still needing some with the ppv on Sunday. Also I was very happy with the outcome of the Gut Check because I love Christian York's work in the ring and he deserves the chance. Also Hardy vs Aries is more intense then most feud that have been going for months but it hasn't been going on that long.

I have been a huge basher of TNA over the last 3 years or so but they have definitely change the way the fans view them over the last few months. They have focused more on developing their talent within the company rather then trying to bring in ex-WWE talents which is good. Even though most of the Aces & Eights are either Ex-TNA talents or Ex-WWE talents but that's different. Because they are going with the shock value not the name recognition which is great when talking about TNA. They are pushing the right people and giving enough time to different people unlike WWE which means they bring in back things that make them different. But TNA is in no way close to being direct competition to WWE because they have to straighten out some doubt in the minds of casual fans. Because they need to continue open the eyes of fans who lost hope in the TNA that maybe they should give them another chance. Even I lost hope for TNA, so much so that I was waiting to see the news that TNA would be going out of business but now I am happy to say I am back on the Bandwagon for TNA.


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