A Raw Problem

After the 1000th Episode of RAW, WWE moved there flagship show from 2 hours every Monday Night to a 3 hour broadcast like WCW did in January 1998. What surprised WWE didn't do it first well that's Vince for you he doesn't like giving people credit for there idea because pretends the other companies don't exist. But that's beside the point of this post I am going to discuss the problems of a 3 hour broadcast every Monday. Now here are some real stats of RAW since the change:
The first hour of Monday’s show garnered 4,147,000 viewers, with hour two slightly dropping 4,126,000. The third hour, however, suffered its sharpest decline since the program was lengthened to three hours in July, dropping to 3,488,000 viewers. It marked as the fifteenth consecutive week and eighteenth week out of nineteen weeks where viewership dropped off during the third hour.
That's not even factoring in the low ratings the show has been getting which isn't due to the fact of bad writting or well maybe it could be but it could also be due to the fact they are 3 hours. Also I wonder if they ever think about the fact that for the most part the audience they center there product around is going to be or already asleep by 10. Which last time I checked is the start of the 3rd Hour of Raw from the stats I have above show hasn't been doing to hot over the few months. This in my opinion is just another sign of Vince's ignorance because he is right in that some do watch for the 3 hours but other can't because the show is either interesting or horrible. There seems to be no happy medium with the WWE shows as a whole and Vince and other Executives need to figure out like they did with the XFL & will when the WWE Network finally begins. Somethings aren't meant to be and even Vince McMahon can't do everything he wants to do. Just ask Linda, Mrs. 100 Million Dollars

(Source WZRonline.com)


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