This Day in Wrestling History

Today way back in 1983 a Huge event was born it took place in the Greensboro Coliseum on November 24 1983. I refer to the Wrestlemania of JCP/WCW the December extravaganza Starrcade 83. This was the first year this event which would become an annual show for the Crockett's would be held. The show was helded by Ric Flair challenging the Champion Harley Race for the World Title. Also a highlight from the show was Roddy Piper vs Greg Valentine in a Dog Collar Chain Match which in that match, Piper's ear was so damaged in the match that he lost hearing in his ear. A few other major matches, Magnum TA vs Tully Blanchard in a I Quit Match, Ric Flair vs Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair vs Sting, Bret Hart vs Goldberg, Vader vs Ric Flair, & many more great matches. Even though the history of Starrcade isn't as rich in many's mind as Wrestlemania but to be honest in the mind of all the WCW fans who valued it more then WWE and were lost when WCW went out. They would buy it in a heart beat because it is the name of the card it doesn't matter who is on the card.

Happy Birthday Starrcade
1983-2000 Your are Missed


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