Time for a Change
I don't know why but it seems like for me over the past couple of weeks or maybe more I haven't been taking the site serious. This could be for one of many reason from Hurricane Sandy shaking our very beings or the fact school has been a bitch and a half for me over the last few weeks and will get more stressing I guess you could say. All I can say about that is bear with me but things will change here over the next few days as I finally get back to business after around a week and a half. I have said it before and I will I started this to be well rounded and different and not like many other sites that are just focused on Main Stream wrestling. But I feel I have gotten away from that and I promise I will go back to that but still give you the main stream & mix the indy circuit in there with it. So it will be like a melting pot for wrestling. Also I hope I continue to offer you a unique view into the wrestling industry and will continue to that exactly.
Thanks for the continued support of the site it may not be much but it is more than I thought. I also love the fact that even as may people that have read this have and enjoy it Thank You.
Thanks for the continued support of the site it may not be much but it is more than I thought. I also love the fact that even as may people that have read this have and enjoy it Thank You.
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