This Day in Wrestling History

7 Years ago today the wrestling world suffered an extreme loss of at that time current WWE superstar, I of course refer to Latino Heat Eddie Guerrero. He was taken from us wrestling fans at a very young age, he is an unfortunate example of someone who tried to get clean but it came to late. Eddie first made a name for himself in Mexico as one of the most hated teams in Mexican Wrestling history with the Love Machine Art Barr they were called Los Gringos Locos. From there Eddie entered the US apart of ECW from then on he would dazzle the American Wrestling Fans. He left the ECW arena fans gasping for air after classics with the likes of Too Cold Scorpio & Dean Malenko. In 1996 he began a career in WCW which would last until 2000 when he, Benoit, Saturn, & Malenko headed north. But before we jump to WWE; let's visit his WCW career, while apart of WCW Eddie hovered mostly around the mid-card never really given the opportunity to move up the card. Even though many said people like Eddie, Dean, & Chris were the backbones of WCW TV still and add to fact Eddie could have a Great Match with anyone he was in the ring with which is a special trait not everyone has. Also in WCW Eddie captured the US title once and the Cruiserweight twice and then he moved to WWF.
Success was waiting for Eddie when he got to WWF because within the first month he won the European title from Chris Jericho on April 3 2000 which was the night after Mania. Also once again less then a year into his WWF tenure he won the Intercontinental title on September 4 2000 live on RAW. From their he hovered around the mid-card until mid 2002 when began teaming with his nephew Chavo they stayed together until an injury sidelined Chavo. After a couple of months teaming with Taijri he became a singles wrestler again it was long before he won the US title for second time in his career.
On January 29th 2004 Eddie's career changed because of one simple decision, Benoit jumped to Raw & that left an open spot for someone to challenge Brock Lesnar. So on that night January 29 there was a 15 man battle royal which featured Eddie & he won the match to challenge for the title. He did at No Way Out in February against Brock and Eddie Won. He kept the title until the summer but never won it again. From there Eddie was baiscally a Low Main Event or High Mid-Card featured guy & occasional tag team superstar. His last title run came with Rey Mysterio as WWE Tag Team Champions. His last match came on the November 11th edition of Smackdown against Mr. Kennedy which of course Eddie won. A sad note is that on the day of his death a triple threat match for the World title was suppose to happen and Eddie was pegged to win the match. But unfortunately Eddie passed away on November 13 2005.

Though it's been 7 years that Eddie has been gone he is still not forgotten by any of the fans who saw him compete. He was well versed in every style and was the complete package for a wrestler and also a comedy genius. Eddie is Deeply missed by all who knew him from fellow wrestlers, family, friends, & fans all miss Eddie and will surely never let the name of Eddie Guerrero be forgotten. I honestly have goosebumps & almost tears in my eyes writing this because I grew up watching Eddie. I still remember that night 7 years ago holding back the tears then like I am now; there is only one thing left to say that is THANK YOU EDDIE!!!!!
Thank you for the Memories Eddie, Thank you for all that you did for this business you may be gone but You will never be forgotten VIVAAA LA RASA EDDIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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