TNA Today

To get it out of the way first I don't have power yet so this may not be a usual thing just yet as I don't know when my power will be back totally and this is not my first priority. I love doing this but since it is hard getting on the Internet so until it's easier I will post when I can thank you and I hope you guys understand. By the way my house is fine but my thoughts and prayers are with those who did lose more then just their power, I hope we can return to normalcy sooner rather later.

Now to the post, I was paying very close attention to TNA Impact last night basically studying the matches & storyline. I have to say that TNA has really changed in the last year it's good to see the direction they are going in, they just have to keep matches realistic because they become a joke if they loss realism. But the Ace's & Eights, Gut Check, The Second Broadcast team have all given a different feel to TNA a better feel. Add to that Daniels & Kaz, Austin Aries, Bobby Roode, James Storm, etc have all made TNA feel unique and very different in the last many months. The one thing I don't like is that TNA takes shots at WWE on TV if they were competitive with WWE then it would be different. But they aren't anywhere close to be in direct competition with WWE they need to continue show they are changing over the next year and maybe they could be near competition. Until then no matter if they think it's good TV they shouldn't because many WWE fans think TNA is still a joke or the company that only employee's ex-WWE talent which isn't really the case anymore. They need to change their image in the eyes of the fans before they not only can take shot and have them mean something more then very little. Also they need to put their long standing stars like Roode, Storm, AJ, Aries, etc get them out in Mainstream so people know they guys faces. If they do that they do that then casual fans may see that TNA has more then just past WWE stars at the top of their company. But I do really enjoy the Ace & Eights story because it adds surprise & uniqueness to the product because you don't know what to expect or who could become unmasked next. Best of Luck to TNA

I know it is someone from Creative idea to take the shots and think it makes good TV or something but that's not true it is different when your in direct competition instead of being far behind like TNA is.


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