This Day in Wrestling History

Today is a world famous day in the History of the WWE because of a ppv that happend 22 years ago today. It was Survivor Series 1990 from the Hartford Civc Center in Hartford, CT & two famous debuts took place at this event. One of the people became a legend in WWE and is widely regard as the best gimmick in Wrestling History. The other guy is mostly regarding as a disappointing debut and his gimmick never really caught on. I am talking about the Undertaker & Gobbledy Gooker both debut on this night in two different ways. First the Gooker hatched from an egg and proceed to square dance in the ring with Mene Gene. The Undertaker on the other hand was apart of the traditional Survivor Series elmination match as he was the mystery partner on the side of Ted Dibiase.
Small interesting tid bit of information Undertaker was in WCW just 4 months before debuting in the WWE. The from the time he signed the contract in October 1990 to present day Undertaker has remind a prominent face in the WWE. Even though a lot of people do like the Gobbledy Gooker who also debut today and that doesn't go unoticed. But to say The Undertaker is in a league of his own after all he has done it all in WWE and will be a future Hall of Famer someday soon. The Gooker on the other hand I don't think so but then again anything can happen in the WWE.


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