How I would book it ....... Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair Finale

Because of unforseen circustances this part had been delyed but now it's here so let's get to it right now.

10/15: WCW Saturday Night, Ric Flair vs Sting a rematch is set for later tonight & Hulk Hogan will call out the masked man. Sting pins Flair, Hogan calls out the masked man but nobody comes out but then someone attacks Hulk from behide leaving him lying with more questions to ask leading to Sunday.
10/16: WCW Main Event, the Announcers spend the show hyping possible injuries to Hogan after the attack last night. Also Flair is out and tells the fans that come this Sunday he will be walking out with the WCW World Title.
10/23: WCW Halloween Havoc, Sting pins Arn Anderson, & Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan for the WCW World Title. Flair wins via DQ after the Masked Man interfered in the match both Flair & the Masked Man leave Hulk down to end the show.
10/29: WCW Saturday Night, Commissioner Nick Bockwinkle is in the ring and he states that at Clash of Champions on November 16 it will be Hulk Hogan, Sting, & Paul Orndorff vs Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, & The Masked Man. Who ever the match Nick adds faces Hogan at Starcade in December for the title.
11/6: WCW Main Event, Once Again Hulk calls out the Masked Man, once again he tries to attack Hulk from behide but this time Hulk stops him and unmasks him to find it's Brutus Beefcake. This shocks Hulk long enough were Brutus knocks Hulk down. Ric Flair & Arn Anderson beat Sting & Paul Orndorff (Anderson pins Orndorff)
11/12: WCW Saturday Night, Announcers talk about Beefcake being the guy, Beefcake pins Marcus Bagwell, Paul Orndorff over Steve Regal, also Sting over Arn Anderson via DQ
11/13: WCW Main Event, Announcers hype the Clash of Champions and the ramifications it could bring
11/16: WCW Clash of Champions, Hulk Hogan, Paul Orndorff, & Sting vs Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, & Brutus Beefcake. Beefcake pins Orndorff to get a title against Hulk at Starcade because of that Brutus is attack by Flair after the match
11/19: WCW Saturday Night, Brutus challenges Flair to a match, but Flair accepts with a condition that if he wins he faces Hogan at Starcade. Beefcake accepts
11/27: WCW Main Event, Ric Flair vs Brutus Beefcake winner faces Hogan at Starcade. Flair makes Brutus submitt to win
12/3: WCW Saturday Night, Flair is out saying in a few short week I finally prove to each everyone of you that I am the Nature Boy, that I am the World Champion, & that I am the Man
12/11: WCW Main Event, Ric Flair over Brutus Beefcake, & Hulk Hogan over Vader, announcer say both men look ready for Starrcade
12/17: WCW Saturday Night, Ric Flair lost to Paul Orndorff, Hulk Hogan beats Brutus Beffcake via DQ
12/18: WCW Main Event, Contact Signing announced for next week on Main Event
12/25: WCW Main Event, both Flair & Hogan sign the contract and say the final words to each other before the deciding match at Starrcade
WCW Starrcade 1994
Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan for WCW World Title
Flair makes Hogan submit to win the WCW World Title

That's how I would have booked the feud tell what you guys thought and what you would have done different.


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