A Thought Worth Noting

It has been brought to my attention over the past couple of weeks about a wrestler who helped himself stay in shape and healthy is now helping another get back on track in life. I am referring to a man name Page Falkenberg or Diamond Dallas Page who has became widely known for having his own Yoga. His yoga regime is done by wrestlers all over the wrestling world not just in WWE or TNA, heck I will even go as far to say even non active wrestler to do his Yoga. But now he is doing something that when I heard about it I thought holy crap DDP is a Great Man to do this. He is helping Jake Roberts change his life and get into shape for maybe one more run in wrestling. Jake is a recovering alcoholic but I think with the help from DDP, he can help Jake get his life back to normal.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g97pMR6JeRg&feature=relmfu  Jake Roberts Video

Best of Luck to Jake Roberts and his comitment to get in shape and get back on the straight and narrow. Also if there were more people like DDP we would be a more fit country Great Job Page.


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