WWE: News

Reported last night all over internet wrestling sites was that FCW better known as the place where Wade Barrett, Kofi Kingston, Sheamus, McIntyre, Gabriel, Slater, Otunga, Kidd, & others started their WWE life. The report said that after April 15th FCW would closing its doors because thats when there TV deal expires. Also Vince has seemed frusturated as of late with the talent that have come up from FCW saying that they haven't been ready & are far behind where they should be. He blames this on former talent developer Ty Bailey who is no longer with the company cause of his lack of knowledge in the field and all the compliants executives where getting from talent. With a new crop of talent most likely arriving in the weeks after Wrestlemania the fans who doubted the life of FCW will be shown that FCW is alive and well as is the talent. Seeing what Rollins, Ambrose, Ono, Cesaro, Steamboat, & others can do & have done in the ring will prove that 10 fold.
Also in related news former FCW wrestler Evan Bourne's 60 day suspension expired over the weekend & now is able to return to action. But is not advertised for this weeks Smackdown & was not at yesterdays Raw so more from me when i get it as to what will happen to Bourne & his future in WWE.
Remeber tell me what you think on Facebook or Twitter I would love hear your opinion


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